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  • 136 subscribers

UPDATE: I had my colonoscopy today, I’m pleased to say that I got the all clear, which I’m very surprised about.

QUESTION: How long should a colonoscopy last? Mine was only 8 minutes which I was very surprised about as the nurse informed me that it would be between 30-45 minutes.

hi all, hope it’s ok that I’m here.

(little bit about me, then TMI about my symptoms)

Im 31 and a mother of 2 little girls (my absolute world) 

I have been put on the 2-week wait pathway for bowel cancer. I first contacted my GP after several weeks of bowel habit change and blood in stool, I have also been struggling with bloating, exhaustion and feeling like I still need to go when I don’t. I can’t really say if I have unintentionally lost weight as I have had gastric surgery so I have lost 9st but I stopped losing weight for a while but the weight-loss has started again and I have lost about 10lb in the last month.

I know my symptoms can be a sign of other more likely issues (which I’m hoping for) but I can’t seem to shake the feeling that I’m going to be told it’s cancer.

I have done a stool sample and was told it was positive for blood which I knew it would be but I was also told that I had signs of inflammation but it was borderline, this has me thinking that it could be an IBD but also has me thinking that if it was then it wouldn’t be borderline.

I haven’t had my FIT results back yet.

I have a colonoscopy booked for Sunday so I’m hoping I’ll have answers soon but do you find out there and then if they find something or will I need to wait to know? 

Also, sorry if this makes no sense, my brain works faster than my thumbs Rofl

Much love

Poe xx

  • That’s good news . Yes my last one seemed to go very quickly - all clear, nothing to see here - happy days x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • , I guess if there is nothing to see, then its quicker! I think some doctors are quicker than others as well. Anyway, you have good news!!

  • Hello. I was just on here reading and came across your post. And just want to say what a relief for you and so glad you had a good outcome. Did they say why you had blood in your stools. Last week for about 5 days I had what I was told a tummy bug/infection because i had bloody watery diarrhoea. My stools are back to normal I would say but I have just noticed what I think is blood in my stool. I do have a sore anus, excuse my wording. So I’m hoping it’s just a hemorroid. I am going to send in a stool sample tomorrow. Just really worried I have bowel cancer. I had a sigmoidoscopy about 18 months ago for blood in stool which all came back clear other than a skin tag left over from a hemorroid! So worried. X

  • Hi Mummyofthree

    I can understand your anxiety as we all have felt it before tests. 
    If you were all clear eighteen months hopefully if there is something there it hasn’t been there long. 
    Once you have the results then if there’s something that needs further treatment you will be in their radar and it will be treated. 
    please stay off the internet. I tried that and scared myself silly and none of it was relevant to me. 
