Watch and wait now over 3 years clear!

  • 20 replies
  • 137 subscribers

Hi All,

I was diagnosed with rectal cancer stage 3 in November 2018 and very luckily radiotherapy got rid of the cancer completely and I have been on watch and wait ever since, so I have avoided
having surgery.

I am still clear and have now passed the 3 year mark with a clear CT in January, and a clear colonoscopy in February and a normal CEA. I am just waiting for an MRI scan in April or May.

I am sharing this information in case anyone else is contemplating watch and wait. I have had a great experience of this and have excellent bowel functionality and in fact just as good as before my diagnosis.

I did some extra stuff (with the agreement of my NHS oncologist) to help reduce the risk of recurrence and if anyone is interested please check out my profile.

My understanding is that the risk of recurrence goes down the longer you are clear on watch and wait so I am really very happy with this.

Wishing you all the very best for successful treatment.

  • Hi Jogey can I ask if when you had your stage 3 diagnosis if it was also in your lymphs?

    I have had a complete response after chemo and radio with no cancer showing even after biopsies of scar tissue but because it was originally in my lymphs the best course of action is deemed to be surgery. So the surgery could show absolutely no cancer in lymphs or cancer removed that was in lymphs I won't know until after surgery.

    I was hoping that I could avoid surgery after such a great response but there is still the question mark over the lymphs even though the tumour is long gone. 

    Congrats by the way....what a fantastic result you have had! 

  • Hi Jogey I have just read your bio so I have my answer you did have cancer in your lymphs 

    Sorry prob should have read that first! 

  • Hi Dancingdoll,

    Congratulations on your complete response too. It is just a great thing to happen!

    It looks like your hospital possibly has a different policy to mine with spread to the lymph glands.

    I was offered watch and wait or surgery and chose watch and wait. I have to admit it did cause me some anxiety 

    that it had got to the lymph glands but all seems to be well so far and it really is great that I have managed to avoid surgery entirely so far. Wish you very best of luck with your further treatment.

  • That's brilliant news Jogey and really reassuring to hear your success story. I too am on the watch and wait after a complete response to chemo and radiotherapy, first checkups were all clear last month. Long May it continue for us Thumbsupx

  • Hi Happy 14, 

    Thanks so much.

    I'm really very pleased to hear you have had the clinically complete response and it's great to hear the first checkups were clear. All great news and yes long may it continue for you!

  • Hi Jogey, just wanted to let you know that after my team met they discussed my case and agreed for me to go on watch and wait. That was end of May. So since then I've had blood tests and a clear mri and sigmoidoscopy. I'm due a ct and mri this Sunday coming so keeping it all crossed. It's almost a year since my last radiotherapy (Sept 21). So glad that I've ducked surgery so far and have loved reading your posts. We are incredibly fortunate I know that for sure! 

  • Hi Dancingdoll67,

    Great to hear from you.

    That's really good to hear and here's hoping everything will go really well on Sunday. 

    Wishing you every luck and success,


  • Hi there, so another scan and now a clear colonoscopy with no new growths and scar tissue all fine. I'm now over a year since end of treatment. Long may it continue and I hope you are well.

    Regards dancingdoll67

  • Hi Dancingdoll67,

    That's absolutely wonderful news! Over a year is just so great and long long may it continue!

    You have made my day!

    Take care,


  • Well done  that’s great news . Keep pushing those boundaries down the road .

    You are doing great .


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