Can anyone tell me what colonoscopy is really like?

  • 25 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Can anyone tell me what colonoscopy is really like, have read the horror stories on the internet and am now terrified of the pain during and after. Also does anyone know if it can be done in a different position other than laying on your side as I am unable to do this due to it causing chest pain. I always have to sleep on my back.  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi there. Mine was fine - gas and air all the way. I had a 3cm tumour but unfortunately it grew into the bowel wall instead of outwards but it meant the scope had no trouble getting past. No infections afterwards and I'm very susceptible to them. I had an endoscopy just beforehand and it was a far far worse experience. Was sick continuously! If it was a toss-up between the two I'd take the colonoscopy everytime! Best of luck xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi jackie,

    You've had a mixed response, some good, some not so good. 

    Be strong, calm and confident they will perform with minimum of discomfort. Alas it cant be avoided, thats how i got my mind around it.

    One other thing, be careful when looking for info on the internet, as you could see some very scary things.. stick to NHS / Macmillan type sites .

    Be strong, keep smiling 


  • FormerMember

    My first wasn't pleasant - I had as much sedation as possible and gas and air. They still couldn't carry it out because of the pain. But, it turns out, my tumour was very big and right on the opening. Luckily they managed to get a biopsy before giving up. 

    My second colonoscopy was through my stoma and it was over in a flash. (I was terrified before going in)

    I had less sedation - as I remembered going back to the recovery room this time.

    Both my friends who have had colonoscopies have said theirs were uncomfortable but not painful -I was just unlucky with the size and position.


  • I was worried before my colonoscopy but I soon found out that was the least of my worries. Compared to what I've had since, give me a colonoscopy any time!

    Seriously though, the great majority of these are safe and painless. The worst part was the "Movi prep" a couple of days before hand and running to the toilet etc. 

    I opted to do the procedure without medication and this was fine apart from occasional discomfort with the "gas" but the nice staff told me it was OK to "break wind" in their company.  :-)

    It was very interesting to see inside my colon and they even had a look around my appendix although this was for the benefit of a student observer rather than myself. However, it wasn't a pleasant experience seeing my tumour but, in a way, this helped me later when considering treatments. I knew it was there and there was no point in denial.

  • Oops, I meant to stay "without sedation"..not medication.  ;-)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to JohnnyJ

    My husband has had a few colonoscopies and never had a problem. I recently had a gastroscopy and had the sedation. I remember everything up until they gave me the sedation, then nothing until I was being wheeled out to the recovery room. So I have no bad memories of the procedure, in fact I have no memories of it at all . I hope they will find a way to accommodate you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi AuntSally

    You say can ask them to stop at any time, but they didnt stop when you asked them to.

    Yes I was going to ask for virtual one myself, partly through fear of the standard one but also because the standard one only covers the large bowel, the virtual one shows up the large bowel, small intestines, stomach, liver and kidney. 

    there is family history of kidney and ovarian cancer.

    Thanks for your reply

    Do you know if they get you to move position and so you are on your back how do they then move the scope about, i would be laying on it. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to JohnnyJ

    This post exactly echoed my experience and how I felt about observing the tumour.

  • FormerMember

    Just wanted to add that a scope is a doddle compared to cancer treatment.

    As for laying on your back, the only time i ever had to do this was when they found my cancer. It is not pleasant BUT it is fairly quick and with sedation you soon forget.

    It is the only sure way to find any problems in the bowel so grin and bear it. Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    As you can see from the number of responses, the experience of a colonoscopy is varied. Try not to overthink what might and what might not happen. Unfortunately you cant avoid this so be as positive as you can be .. it will be what it will be

    Mart x