Primary cancer of appendix and secondary peritoneal cancer

  • 16 replies
  • 103 subscribers

Hi everyone just joined up. I went to A&E on Good Friday with pain in my right side ribs thinking I had a chest infection or something - after tons of tests, scans and 2 colonoscopies I was told last week I had cancer of the appendix which has spread to the peritoneal cavity (stage 4). I am 48 and relatively healthy so it was a bit of a shocker! I’ve had pretty bad acities and have been drained twice. I have been told cancer of the appendix is pretty rare so wondering if there are any specific forums on here for that and secondary peritoneal cancer? I am starting chemo 25 Jun. Any info greatly appreciated 

  • James

    i had CAPOX in 2018. I only had 4 rounds and the symptoms were manageable, mainly extreme cold sensitivity (from the Oxaliplatin) nausea and tiredness. They did get worse and I lost my taste. Was able to carry on working throughout

    This time I’m on FOLFIRI and Bevacizumab.

    i only have a bit of ascities, just feel full and bloated all the time, especially if I eat too much (not much). I get out of puff with any decent exercise.

    I’m hoping symptoms will improve with chemo. Absolutely zero side effects so far, but I’m only on day zero. 

    I’ve also had an initial opinion from The Christie in Manchester (advice was systemic chemo, then review to consider HIPEC)

    Where about are you? I’m in London. 


  • I’m based in Oxfordshire 

  • Hi JimBob99

    My husband has had similar journey Easter weekend very short of breath went to ED treated for chest infection, then long story short  investigations and tests show primary goblet cell appendix with secondary to stomach lining and malignant pleural effusion. Breathlessness has been the worst symptom and he has had a pleural drain inserted which we drain 3 times a week at home. 

    We are waiting for oncology appt 5 th August. We are flabbergasted this has happened so quickly, husband is 58 and always been fit and healthy. 

    I have been searching for information but there does not appear to be much. We have had visits from palliative care nurse discussing symptom management.

    We would be happy for any information anyone has. 

    Thanks for reading

  • Hi Janelski Sounds similar to what happened to me. Hopefully once you see the oncologist they can get you started on some treatment asap. My secondary is in the peritoneal cavity sounds like your husbands is in the stomach so not sure of the main differences. I’ve been told there are suitable operations but they need to shrink the cancer as much as possible before any consideration on that. And even then it’s a risk based approach.

     I am  no still learning but happy to try and help if you have any questions - hope the appt goes well.


  • Thank you for replying, We have been told by colorectal surgeon an operation is not available, so containment is the way forward. We pinning all our hopes on the oncology appt. It is a rollercoaster of emotions, Mark not taking being unwell very well and struggling with lack of mobility and independence.

    Will keep in touch, Jane 

  • Fingers crossed let me know how the appt goes Thumbsup