Just diagnosed...

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  • 75 subscribers

Sorry, i am editing this message as I failed to present "properly" (anxiety took the better of me!)

My name is Marco, I (think I) am fairly fit, I do run every day. I am married to a wonderful person, have 3 wonderful dogs and I work in one of the best (I think!) places one can work.

Life decided to throw a spanner and the 9th of June I noticed blood in the urine and called 111. After a few discussions and exams (urine, blood, CT scan and finally yesterday cystoscopy) I had a diagnosis of a bladder tumor ("multifocal ~3cm lesion of the lateral wall of the bladder with a few satellite lesions around it")

I have an urgent transurethral resection scheduled for Thursday 8th July. The consultant explained that from the CT scan the area outside the bladder "seem clear" but obviously we don't know until after the op.

Anyone has a take on my chances? As I expect anyone in this situation, I am very anxious ...!
