Wellness practices?

  • 14 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi Friends,

I’m wondering what lifestyle changes, if any, people have made after diagnosis and through successful treatment.  I want to hear from anyone who wants to share, but especially those of you who have had lasting NED/cure.

Have you changed your diet?  Sleeping or exercise habits?  Do you ever indulge in dessert, a glass of wine? Added supplements?

Of course, I have asked all of these questions of my medical team, and while they, in general, endorse habits associated with “healthy lifestyle,” they are not very specific.  They all say there just isn’t much quantitative research done that shows how diet, exercise, sleep, alcohol, etc. directly impacts cancer and response to treatment.  They have told me my bloodwork is pristine, all systems are functioning beautifully, and to not worry about the occasional glass of wine or piece of cake, but I do worry, anyway (especially with check-in appointments coming up next week).

Also, I’m feeling a little guilty because we just returned from a wonderful 3 week long road trip, during which I had dessert on a few occasions and a glass of wine probably 1-2 times per week.  I am back to my very rigid vegetarian diet, gobs of water, and no sugar now, but yeah, I fret.

Anyway, whatever info anyone would like to share, I’m happy to read.  Thank you!


  • Sounds wonderful ! Thank you!

  • Thankyou so much for that Bev. Can I just add that I know when you make turmeric tea they advise to add black pepper which is needed to activate the turmeric benefits. I am going to try this very soon!

  • Hi  I had seen another recipe which also included black pepper so next time I make it I will include a small amount, as you say it does help with absorption Bev. X

  • Hi!  Sounds like a wonderful road trip!!  I've noticed that long road trips tend to add additional pressure for me and I feel severely bloated.  Did that happen?  

    I'm wondering what types of exercises people do that trigger problems?  I'm a pescatarian, love yoga, cycling, and running.  I haven't been able to get back to running as it has some side effects due to radiation.  I drink about five days a week but would like to cut that back as I have put on weight which pains me.

    Best to you on this journey and thanks for the reminder of creating healthy lifestyle changes!