First week done !!!

  • 12 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi everyone , 

just done my first week of chemoradiotherapy 

Did any one you experience difficulty in peeing and having a bowel movement ?not had the skin problem as yet but strong pains in the lower abdomen … not sure whether it’s the radiotherapy or my condition ? 

thank you 

Chrissie xx

  • Hiya again  ,

    Aren't weekends just the best? I appreciated every Saturday & Sunday, not having to go to radiotherapy appointments & not having to take the chemo pills, simple pleasures eh? Yes it’s sometimes can be a juggling act between constipation & diarrhoea & I totally agree you can do without either!! That’s lovely that you managed to see family yesterday, it offers some light relief doesn’t it? 

    I hope your treatment goes well this afternoon, before you know it that’ll be week 2 over & done with. 


  • Thanks Nicola , just lost a front crown to add insult to injury !!! Lol xx