Hi Everyone

  • 22 replies
  • 11 subscribers

In July (at the age of 70), I was diagnosed with atypical CML which came as a bit of a shock!
I'm currently on Hydroxycarbamide, and am hoping to have a stem cell transplant at Churchill hospital, Oxford, when they can find a donor (fingers crossed they can!).

Needless to say, I'm finding the prospect quite daunting so, as we get further into the process, I'm sure I'll be posting questions in this group, or just looking for a bit of support. Obviously I hope to be able to offer support too!

Thanks for having me in the group - must go, I'm off to the dentist now with my sensitive teeth!

Thanks again,


  • Hi Johnsy,

    I love the description of cocktails and canapés. You’ll have a whole load of stuff done to you over the coming months, sadly none of it will be civilised. But you have the right attitude, keep your head down and plough on.

    Here’s hoping it all goes really well for you.


  • Hi again,

    Mike said I had knowledge of the SCT donation procedure in Germany, from daughters donor Thomas, we understood they have a day paid holiday given for registering, and if they are requested for a match, another time paid to be off work for however long it takes, Thomas said he found the jabs gave him a bit of discomfort but nothing worse and he just took the one day off donating his cells. What a star! (Daughter and him photographed in Berlin a few years later, on the ‘success stories’ thread) 

    when we thanked him, all he said was ‘if I could help save a life then what have I got to lose, I had to do it!’ 

    hugs xxx
