Husband waiting for results

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  • 51 subscribers


My husband has had a lump developing under his arm for a month or too but due to lockdown he hadn't been examined so has had 2 courses of antibiotics. Finally got seen and referred to hospital last week. Consultant said his lymph nodes are all inflamed and that he is pretty sure the lump is cancerous. We went for a ct scan yesterday and the hospital rang today and said that he has to come in Friday morning and to bring someone with him... my question is does this automatically mean that they have to deliver bad news as they have asked me to come too?

Thanks in advance x

  • Hi , I’m sorry to hear that you and your husband have some uncertainty at the moment. Welcome to the online community where we help each other by sharing our experiences to support each other. 

    You mention your husband has had a scan, but you haven’t said wether he has had a biopsy, with me it was only when the results of the biopsy came back after my scan that I had a diagnosis. I am also thinking that by bad news you probably mean a cancer diagnosis, and I’m thinking if anyone had a cancer scare and was then told it wasn’t cancer that they are probably not looking in on this site anymore. 

    It’s not long til Friday, so I’m wondering how I can help you prepare for that meeting. When I had my diagnosis over the phone I laughed because it was unexpected, it wasn’t the cancer type that had been mentioned as a possibility, it was a different type. I had been told not to google and I didn’t, I hadn’t got any questions prepared and actually if I had googled the cancer that was mentioned as a possibility, it was not that cancer. I hadn’t yet come across this Macmillan site. 

    So in hindsight the good news might be that they have discovered what is wrong and how it’s going to be treated, (wether it is cancer or not).  The bad news might be that they still have more tests to do and you might still feel a bit in limbo, and we all crave for uncertainty to be over. 

    If you are expecting it to be cancer and I assume you are as you are here and you mention the consultants words as pretty sure, you may want to get some better examples of how others handled that appointment from joining the carers group, I’ll put the link below and maybe by reading the Macmillan information and support pages, that suggest some questions to ask.

    Take care

    Take care KT