Our not so wonderful NHS

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  • 23 subscribers

Long post, rant. Please do not feel that you have to read or respond. 

Some of you may know about the problems my daughter has been facing, trying to see an ENT consultant through the NHS. This all started last October, when my daughter was given telephone consultations for 3 months with her GP, and endless antibiotics before I stepped in and insisted she was seen in January. One look at her throat and she was put on a 2 week referral to ENT. They diagnosed an embedded tonsil stone, gave her medication and said they would see her again in 4 weeks time. In April after not hearing from them, she phoned to say that her symptoms had got worse, she was now losing weight and finding it hard to swallow. 2 days later an appointment arrived……The appointment was made for her for the previous March. Dated the 22nd April, but the appointment was for 3 weeks previously.The hospital have admitted this mistake, but say that as she missed her appointment they now cannot see her until August 2023. Even though it was pointed out that my daughter is not a time traveller so would never been able to get to her appointment. 

She has been in so much pain, and now has ulcers all across her throat as well as swollen tonsils. We have complained to PALS who are carrying out an investigation, they can see that the March appointment was not made until April, but currently her appointment is still for 15 months time with Doctor P.

Today I phoned a private clinic and have now got her an appointment for 2 weeks time……with Doctor P. The same consultant who cannot see her through the NHS until August of next year. 

When did our NHS become so bad? How many people who have cancer symptoms are being fobbed off with telephone consultations without seeing the doctor. I myself have not seen my GP or consultant for 2 years. I have had blood tests, ct scans, X-rays, but all consultations are over the phone. Not one person in all this time has listened to my wheezy chest or carried out any physical examination. I phoned my GP this week to say I needed some inhalers, and as these were not on my repeat prescription the receptionist would not let me order them. I still cannot believe that my GP asked me what I thought was causing my breathlessness…..”oh I don’t know”,  said I, “maybe my lung cancer! “

  • As I have previously said in this thread, not everyone has the luxury of going private. If it was for me, I would wait, but I am not prepared to watch my daughter suffer for the next 15 months, when I can pay for her. No one wants to watch their child in pain, and unable to eat. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Yesterday my daughter saw the consultant in the private clinic.  Very happy to have it confirmed that it definitely is not cancer. The lump on her tonsil is a blocked gland, and not a tonsil stone as previously reported in January.

    As this all started the day after her covid booster last October, he believes her tonsils have had a reaction to the vaccine. The best solution is to have her tonsils removed, but pointed out that she would not fit the criteria on the NHS. 

    Thank you to everyone that has shown me support over this. We have a decision to make now, but we are all very relieved after yesterdays consultation. 



    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Chelle you both must be very relieved  now you no what it actually is XX 

  • Glad that you have a resolution Chelle. At least now you have a way forward. Rainie x

  • Hi chelle, it's really good to see your daughters diagnosis, relief the word, pity you had to go private.

    All the best Ulls