What to ask oncologist??

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  • 23 subscribers

So I have my first ever oncology appt tomorrow (stage 4 at diagnosis) and I'm nervous. Already started hormone treatment but surgeon mentioned chemo so expecting that but I don't know what I don't know. Any advice on things I might want to ask about would be good.

I mean I know I want to know what it is, how it's given, how often, for how long, side effects, what the aim of it is, how they know if it's working or not.... Other plans (as the surgeon is still very keen on operating!)

But are there obvious things I'm missing?? I'm taking a friend with me but this is all new to her as well. 



  • Hi if its chemo normally an infusion, I had to have six, though every one is different and all chemo's are different combos, with different side effects.

    I was lucky i did not suffer to much, though they can give you medication for so many of them.

    It can be chemo tablet form, your oncologist will tell you tomorrow.

    For me I was scanned every so many cycles to see if it was doing its work.

    Once you start you will go along with what your treatment plan is.

    I did 9 chemo's, I have had radiotherapy, i did two years immunotherapy, the roller coaster caries on though i am still standing, just about lol.

    I wish you well and let us know how it goes.

  • Sorry if you have chemo, may be to shrink the tumour for surgery, this happens as well.

    Tomorrow all your questions will be answered.

    Write them done, as we always forget some thing when siting in front of them, mind can go blank.

  • Thank you  , this is all a new world to me. Youve gone through a lot (((hugs))) My surgeon is very insistent that with my big boobs she can perform surgery to take out T2 tumour AND area of DCIS as a breast reduction leaving me with a 'relatively normal' breast contour but minus a nipple. I personally just want whatever is easiest to recover from! But yeah, tumour shrinkage isn't the aim I don't think.... unless it's the bone mets they want to shrink although no surgical options there. 

    I've told my friend I'm providing her with a pad and pen to take notes, lol! 



  • HI my daughter had breast cancer 2021, not sure what one.

    She did have a mastectomy, then reconstructed and the other boob mad smaller as she had big boobs.

    She did nit want to go threw another procedure to make a nipple, it has taken a bit of time but she is happy now and both breasts are to her likening, and buying a smaller bra size, she was in her element. 

  • Initially I hated the thought of surgery but have come round to looking forward to having smaller boobs! But need to get the mets situation under control (hopefully) before surgery, in case surgical complications mean delaying treatment.  Hearing about people who like their surgical results helps =)

  • Overall objective of treatment. They will probably say palliative, which means to control symptoms / improve quality of life. How will they monitor you? How do you contact them including in emergencies  

    Which drugs, when and how given? Is it a fixed number of cycles or until it stops working or you can’t tolerate it?

    Other medicines given as part of cycle. Particularly will you need steroids? Will you need Filgrastim (bone marrow stimulation). 

    Will you need a line fitted? If so, can you have a portacath rather than a PICC as it’s likely to be long term? 

    Typical side effects and any preventative meds? Any parts of cycle where you are particularly immune compromised?  If you are offered an anthracycline (epirubicin or doxorubicin) will they be monitoring heart function? If you are offered a taxane (paclitaxel or docetaxol) how will they monitor for peripheral neuropathy?

    Are you eligible for any form of immunotherapy? 

    Are there any clinical trials you can join?

    What happens after this treatment ends? 

  •   THANK YOU! This is exactly what I meant when I said I didn't know what I didn't know. 

  • Hi Lex, Just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow. The best thing for your appointment is taking your friend who is taking a notepad and pen with her. I took one to every appointment and wrote down everything I wanted to ask before I went. Then as I asked the questions, I wrote a brief note of the answer, next to the question on the pad. Sometimes when you get home, you forget what was said and then you can look at the notepad and remind yourself! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Lex, after Coddfish's fabulous answer, I can't add much, and as Annette said make notes, if they don't mind , record the interview on your phone, and just want to say my daughter has been through breast cancer twice, both times she was told it was terminal, and she's proved them wrong both times, my very best wishes for tomorrow my friend.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi

    I have no experience of breast cancer. But I would highly recommend insisting on a port rather than PICC line. It is much easier to live with. You can shower, swim etc like normal. 

    re consultation. I would just let the doctor say their piece first. They probably would cover everything anyway and give you lots of leaflets to take away and read. They should also send you a clinical letter afterwards so you can recount what happened. 

    If you can record the conversation that would be really useful too. 
