A slight knock back

  • 18 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I've just had another gastroscopy because my omeprazole was not settling my heartburn, I have a sliding hiatus hernia in my oesophagus, and gastric polyps! They have recommended increasing my PPI medication.

They could also see my tumour. I hope that it is just scar tissue, but they have taken biopsies and I should hear the results in 2 or 3 weeks.

The gastroenterologist was very good, he explained before the procedure that although my scans show stable disease and no active cancer the gastroscopy would show the tumour. So I was prepared, but it still feels like a knock back having it visualised.

Best wishes to all


  • Hi Sarah, yes a  little bit of set back, and the wait, is the hardest, as we all know.

    Not the best time before Christmas, i had two scans Monday, and yes a wait.

    You have done your bit, now it is out your hands,that is the way i always look at it,

    Thinking of you, Try and have a good Christmas.


  • Hello Sarah.  Will be thinking of you. X

  • I have everything crossed for you Sarah xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Sarah,

    I must admit I don't understand it at all.  My scans on my hip,  have come back to say I am stable, no change.  So when I ask the question, has the cancer gone? The reply is always that there is scar tissue, but the cancer is underneath.

    1. How do they get that answer?    Cindy 
  • The answer that has made most sense to me is that the cancer is still in my body but it is currently inactive. Yeh for a lazy cancer! 


  • Sarah...lazy sounds good, hope it will stay forever so. But i can understand the scare...like when they said >> we saw the tumor!!! Sounds scary. Fingers crossed for good results...and merry xmas

  • Hi Sarah, I've only just seen your post just now. I am not getting a lot of the notifications I should when someone posts in this Group, so sorry for the delay!

    I think a lot of the problem is we don't quite understand how we can have incurable cancer when at the same time have no active cancer.       The way my Oncoligist described it is that the drugs have worked to make the cancer inactive. She said think of a polar bear hibernating and you could go over and touch it, but it won't attack you. She said it is like the cancer hibernating and no one knows when or even IF it will become active in the future.

    I was diagnosed in 2013 and I have been "stable" since 2017 after surgeries and a Trial Drug. I just count my blessings every day and pray that nothing triggers my polar bear to wake up! The time it comes to the front of my mind is the lead up to scan time! Scanxiety I call it!

    Please let me know when you get your results and in the meantime, try to keep them at the back of your mind if you can! Worrying won't change anything!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Annette, I like the analogy. I will keep you posted about the results. 


  • Hey Sal, Just seen your post. So sorry you've had this rotten interlude. Gastroscopies ain't much fun, but it's done now and hopefully you will soon be sorted out. I stopped omeprazole this year - my own decision. I'd been on it since my stomach surgery, but wanted to come off it as I felt I'd taken it far too long. I was then diagnosed with a slow heart beat and I had a set of increasing symptoms that included a sort of permanent exhaustion and a mental fog. I'd found research that indicated that long-time dosing with these drugs could be implicated in my heart condition - so I told my doctor and I weaned myself off them. Some weeks later I started to pick up - mental fog and much of my exhaustion lifted and I now feel more like my 'normal'. I've had zero stomach problems, so didn't need it for that either. 

    Will have my fingers crossed for you.  Rainie x

  • Ive read it can cause issues, but I had to stop taking it for a fortnight and was really uncomfortable without it, so I keep it up, though as it's no longercas effective I may reconsider. 
