CT results

  • 11 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Well had CT results Monday, but was too hot to think that day. Anyway, mainly stable but with some changes in lungs - " partial response" to treatmen. They want to continue with current treatment  until there is definitely evidence of no response. So on we go. I asked for another week off to allow platelets to recover and for me to get over  2 days of unbearable heat. So am as near human and normal as I can be today - except I just went for 5th jab - which will no doubt  cause fatigue but nothing new there.

  • Great news for you and pleased that your treatment is continuing you are a tough cookie so keep fighting on xx

  • Hi OBS, that is great news on the scan results. I’m glad you have a few more days break in treatment, especially this week, this heat has been unbearable, so draining! 

    Good luck with the 5th jab, hopefully you won’t have any side effects. Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Morning OBS, so glad you can stay on treatment, even if your having a break. I'm raking a break in August got visitors then. I had my 5th jab a few weeks ago,  sore arm for a few days but was OK. The hot weather does just drain you.  Take care xx

  • Hi OBS, just read your profile and this post, it's good new that treatment is working, and long may it continue, had my 5 jab a few weeks ago, sore arm and fatigue for 1 day, then back to normal, well for me.

    Hope all goes well for you, 2 dogs to look after, walkies.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Hello OBS. Glad to hear your treatment is keeping the bu**er at bay. Hope you soon have an upturn in the fatigue department. I think we're all a bit extra washed out after the heat. Maybe the doggies can do their own thing in the garden for a day or two? Rainie x

  • Hi OBS, great to hear mainly stable but a P in the A to have to continue with more treatment when you want a rest!

    Haven't had my 5th jab yet awaiting the summons!

    Hugs, Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Good news OBS, keep on keeping on 

    Amanda x 

  • Glad to hear that the treatment is worth continuing, I hope the the 5th jab didn't wipe you out too much. We were in Worthing in the hot weather, it was cooler than Sheffield and we could jump into the sea. 


  • 5th jab wiped me out next day and some of day after too. Whcih  was sad as meant another 2 days of being able to feel normal and do nice things was wiped out again. Had to cancel walk with friend who I hadnt seen for 6 months. However last two days I have felt much better - and was even contemplating some superficial gardening activity which was stopped by rain. It has been wet  here on and off, so dogs and I have dodged the showers. My daughter who lives in Shefield spent the weekend at Blue Dot Festival at Jodrell bank, getting poured on most of weekend, whilst you southern softies were still dry and sunny. However she had a good time and hs just returned to sheffield to find it was drier there than Jodrell Bank was. This time last year she and I were preparing for Green Man Festival at Crickhowell - I think I have to recognise that was my last music festival, too knackered these days to comtemplate  camping, even if glamping. C'est la vie.

  • I'm glad that you are feeling better now, perhaps you could manage a day ticket to a festival, or would it not feel right like that? 
