A bit of a wobble, if fact a complete fall.

  • 13 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all after having a good day on Saturday I got out of bed on Sunday morning and faceplanted myself into the radiator.?  Not quite the planned start for the day.

I struggled to get up and finally managed to do so and wobbled myself down the landing to where i collapsed next to the laundry basket..  I shuffled down stairs on my bottom and managed to get on the sofa.   After resting for a while I got up to get a drink and dived in the fireplace.  My son found ne there and managed to get me turned around and called the ambulance.  It was busy so they took a while to arrive.

They quickly recommended I go with them but admitted there was no obvious life threatening  reason why I should do so so I declined.  They left for about three minutes a d came back in saying they felt they should conduct an egg which they did.

They said the result was sightly off but they felt was enough that they should advise my to go to hospital.  We went to one hospital and were diverted to a different one.  They examined my legs and feet and were very confused by them.  They then discovered a significant infection in my abdomen and put me on antibiotics.  I have been admitted to a ward.  They have taken lots of blood tests, I have had a CT scan and chest x Ray and am booked in for an MRI.  The oncologist is convinced that it a related to the cancer.  Possibly relating to the spine, hence the MRI.

I'm not sure how long I will be here but think it will be a week ot two.  One thing about cancer it is never boring, even if that is not in a good way.

Wishing you all the best, Love and hugs, gragon

  • Thanks gragon for your update. Yes cancer can have some surprises. Hope you get some answers soon..i found increasing problems with my legs over the last Year . It seems be nerve damage in the spine which is worsened by a previous injury. Take care.

  • Oh Gragon, so lovely to hear from you, though not with that news.

    You are in the best place for them to get you sorted, and home soon.

    This is a hard road we are on, and get so many things thrown at us, but we get back up, and carry on.

    Hope the nurses are looking after you, you deserve the best. Thanks for letting us know.

    My Thoughts are with  you.

    Ellie xx

  • Oh Gragon I am so sorry to hear this. I hope they get to the bottom of it soon and you can go back home. Sending hugs xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks for updating us all so sorry to hear your news i hope the hospital can sort you out and you feel better soon huge hugs xxx

  • Well gragon what a start to the day. I hope they get you sorted quick and you get home soon. This cancer is so unpredictable, little changes then Wam it hits you hard, but you'll get going again. Sending hugs and good vibes xx

  • Hi Gragon,

    Sorry to hear that you're so unwell but you are in the right place. Hope they get you sorted and you feel better soon.

    Amanda x

  • Oh what a morning that was for you...but i'm glad you did go to hospital and they found out whats wrong..or nearly. A few more tests..well if we did not have had enough anyway, but good it will get sorted. Fingers crossed.

  • Hi all, 

    So I've been seen by loads of people  I've had an x Ray, a CT scan and an MRI scan.  I've seen several Dr's in resus and was initially under a lung specialist on a renal ward (renal and oncology are the two must covid secure wards).

    I've been seen by a neurologist, am hoping to be seen by a cardiologist and am being thoroughly mediced!

    I have now been moved to the oncology ward.

    They still have little idea of what caused the problems in my legs and feet , the best guess so far is that it was probably caused by low blood pressure.  The neurologist might see me again as there could be a nerve element to it as well.

    When I arrived they discovered I had an infection around my right kidney.  They had started me on a broad spectrum antibiotic but have now put me on a more powerful one.  It is certainly doing something as my right kidney is hurting today.  Hopefully it is zapping all the nasty things that are making me ill.

    Thank you for all your kind wishes, they are much appreciated.   All the best, Love and hugs, Gragon xx

  • Hi Gragon they really are trying to sort you out. Hope that right kidney calms down soon and you can get home, sending hugs and good vibes XX

  • It is good to hear they are taking such good care of you Gragon. Sending a big hug Hugging xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge