Hi again

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  • 22 subscribers

Morning all

Sorry I've not been on the site for a while especially after the support for my liver op but it has been been a roller coaster of emotions and bad news after bad news.  We lost two members of the family in two months - one totally unexpected and one earlier than she had been told (cancer came back again after 30 years).  She was told in January she had 12-18 months but was gone in less than 3 makes you realise the doctors really don't have all the answers. On the plus side we did have a new arrival so a bit of light.  Sadly wasn't able to go to funerals and only seen photos of the new arrival as yet.  

My liver op at Xmas all went well - feeling good, scar healing nicely and recent scan shows liver all clear and the original tumour ,, the start of this journey has still left the building and after 2 years is statistically unlikely to return so I was starting to be optimistic.  I had my first post op scan and saw my consultant who told me op was good liver clear and without op I would definitely be ill by now BUT unfortunately v tiny - only just visible on scan as yet - tumours have now been found scattered in my lungs.  I should have guessed there was an issue when I saw she had a nurse with her which I haven't had during covid.

Long story short because the tumours are "scattered" targeted treatment/surgery not considered viable by the MDT therefore only option is chemo but because the tumours are so tiny and I am so well in myself she does not want to go down that route yet and wants to defer decision about treatment for 3 months. I am still currently" incurable but treatable" because I asked her although after next chemo no other options for treatment (although if I want a second opinion or want her to consider alternatives she will so back on good old google). Personally I don't get it because to me let's get in there and get rid but apparently there is an "optimum" time for doing chemo and it's too early.. 

So unless I start to feel ill between now and July when I should call the hospital straight away and they will review decision she told me to go away and if I had anything I had always wanted to do to just go do it while I am feeling and looking so well.  She also said she would sign forms to release my pension funds etc if I wanted to do that and introduced me to "my allocated nurse" who will call me every couple of weeks or so to see how I am doing.  So came out really down even though I feel better than I have in ages and happily walking 3-4 miles a day.  One step forward 2 steps back.

Still not sure what to make of it all but determined to prove them all wrong .x

  • Yes I had lots of ablation sand had to go against the oncologist’s opinion. He did refer me for it when I insisted I had to find out where they did it myself 

    cold November day here but stayed dry and able to go for a sort walk with daughter and her dogs.  She is very happy having got a scan of her expected baby x
