Antibiotics and chemo

  • 11 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi everyone.

I can’t seem to get a straight answer out of the medics so I’m hoping there may be someone on here who has been in the same situation.

Ive been prescribed long term antibiotics for ocular and facial rosacea.  I’m trying to find out if it’s ok to stay on them whilst on chemo. The antibiotics are doxycycline 50mg twice a day.  I start chemo - docetaxel next Friday.


  • I had antibiotics (for a tooth ache) whilst on chemo, and nobody said a word.

    It's just one more thing to mess up your bowels Wink

    Stuart x 

  • Thanks Stuart

    I will be on these antibiotics for life.  I’m concerned because when I had immunotherapy I was told that antibiotics would reduce the effects of the immunotherapy and to avoid antibiotics if possible.


  • I think long term antibiotics are fine and a low dose if long term should not affect other medication 


  • Hi, I was on low dose antibiotics for 18 months just after I stopped Dabrafenib. I think when it is a low dose for a long time, it is fine. However if I was you and you are obviously concerned, why not ask the chemo nurse on Friday before you have your chemo. She will have dealt with this question many times I'm sure! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Annette

    I have a pre chemo assessment on Thursday so I’ll ask the nurse then.


  • Thant's ideal. It is always good to ask the professionals. Please let us know how you get on and what they say! X

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I will definitely let you know.x

  • Hi 

    I’ve just been to the chemo unit to pick up my steroids and managed to have a good chat with the chemo nurse about the antibiotics.

    Its ok to take the antibiotics. Apparently antibiotics can slow down the absorption of the chemo but not the effectiveness.  As I’m on such a low dose there won’t be a problem.  She did say normally it would be preferable to have finished stronger antibiotics a week prior to treatment.

    Phew, that’s a relief, so as long as my bloods are ok on Thursday and the Covid test comes back negative, I’ll be going ahead with chemo on Friday.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mummyb

    Excellent news mummyb - good luck on Friday