Immunotherapy trials

  • 20 replies
  • 24 subscribers


I've been reading about a Merck drug called Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) which is in Stage 3 clinical trials in the US - they're recruiting for it across the USA & Canada.

It's been put forward for a number of cancers but is now being looked at for my endometrial cancer.

There are it seems a number of US trials adding various immunosuppressant drugs to the standard chemo cocktails of carboplatin and paclitaxel: one is the humanised monoclonal antibody dostarlimab, made by Glaxo S-kline, another is atezolizumab. They all are capable of blocking cancer cells from replicating and response rates seem very encouraging.

I looked to see what the GB situation was and was disappointed to find that NICE had cancelled any discussion on the subject for the forseeable future.

Has anybody had any experience of immunotherapy for their cancer? I'd be interested to hear of it.

They come with side effects of course, but different to chemo.

  • Thanks for this. It's very encouraging that this treatment can throw you a lifeline. I've just read that it's been approved by the FDA this week for endometrial cancer. I hope the UK follows soon so that, if I can keep going long enough, I might be able to try it. I think I'd rather give this a go than the chemo to be honest.

  • Hello jamit,

    Thanks for responding and telling me of your experiences. My endometrial cancer is also aggressive and is a Grade 3. It already set up shop in my spleen, which has now departed, along with part of my pancreas and a slice of my stomach. It's still busy in my chest and that's inoperable, but other infected nodes went out with the spleen.

    I do hope you can now concentrate on building your strength as I know personally just how weak you can become with continuous interventions. Despite the side effects you've suffered, you've kept going for 5 years which is an impressive achievement. I am seeing many such on this forum and reading about them has helped strengthen my own resolve. Thank you.


  • Hi Rainieday,  As you can see from the replies here immunotherapy is doing well with a lot of people. When I was diagnosed stage4 Malignant Melanoma (2013) they hadn't yet trialled immunotherapy so I was put on a trial for a Target Drug called Dabrafenib, I was a complete responder and was on it until September 2016 but had to come off it then because of the side effects. My oncologist told me that we would watch and wait to see what the scans said and if the cancer returned my next treatment would be immunotherapy. However, as yet, I have not needed it but I know it is there as an option if & when it is needed. I would definitely jump at the chance of having it! Good luck!

    KT@home, it is great seeing you post again and I want to wish you good luck with the upcoming scans!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    I had 2 years, 35 infusions of Pembrolizumab for stage 4 nsc lung cancer.  I responded extremely well. The tumours shrank and I became stable from about the third treatment.  Fortunately I had no side effects.

    unfortunately I have just found out that the tumour is now growing again, 25 months after my last infusion.  As mentioned there is a 2 year limit on this for lung cancer, no matter when it stopped.

    Altogether I was stable for almost 4 years.


  • Hi, That is great because you responded well before you have more chance of responding well again. I am pleased you are happy with your new oncologist. We literally put our life in their hands, so you must have complete faith in him. He has made an excellent start by being proactive, so that is terrific!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Chemo is just the standard first line treatment for my type of kidney cancer, TCC. For the more common type of kidney cancer, RCC, immunotherapy is the first line treatment, and those patients tend not to have chemo at all.

    Stuart x 

  • I'm seeing my oncologist soon and will ask him about this.



  • Hi, 

    I too had an agressive stage 3 endometrial cancer that had spread extensively. I also have pembrolizumab regularly and have had a complete response with very minor side effects. Sadly, it doesn't work for everyone but hoping this is helpful so you can see it is a possible option if you can get access to it. Unfortunately, I don't think that's always that easy. Worth asking, as it can be remarkable. 

    I wish you well. 

  • hello Gobaith,I'm interested that you have had this already for your endometrial cancer as I thought it wasn't available in the UK for endometrial, only for certain other cancers like lung and melanoma. Were you given access via a trial or did your oncologist just get it for you? I'll definately be asking my oncologist about it, but I didn't think it was licenced yet in the UK, but it has very recently been licensced in the USA - and also I think Canada and Australia.

    It would be good to keep in touch if OK with you.
