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Sadly at the beginning of October I was told that I have lung cancer, which later in the month I was told it had spread to my lymph glands in the middle of my chest, plus the lymph nodes in my neck and I also have 30 plus spreads in my brain, therefore I have stage 4 cancer. Within one month I went from a stage one cancer to stage four, such a shock. 
I have been told that they cannot operate or cure me, but they will try to prolong my life for as long as they can. As you can imagine it’s been a lot to process and try a come to terms with. 

It is all so strange because I look well and I feel reasonably well. Sometimes it’s like I’m talking about someone else and not me!
Which plays mind games with me, especially during the night. 
When I first got my diagnosis I found it hard to sleep at all, I would get up and read everything about lung cancer on the internet.
I have stopped doing that now, and I do manage a reasonable amount of sleep most nights. 
My family are wonderful and very supportive but as you all probably know that there are some things you try not to discuss with them because we don’t want to upset them. 

I am currently receiving immunotherapy every three weeks, I had my fourth round of treatment two weeks ago. I had a CT body scan last week and will be having a MRI brain scan tomorrow, than discuss the results with oncology on the 20th Feb, so feeling a bit anxious. 
Speaking of oncology, I really can’t praise the doctors, nurses and all other staff I have come in contact with, they have all been absolutely amazing.

I’m not sure what my future holds for me or how long I have, but in saying this immunotherapy has had some really good results, so I am trying very hard to remain positive and I’m still smiling Blush
  • LOL not so little she is 24 today.  
    Although I’m only 66 I have 11 grandchildren plus two step grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, I’m very lucky they all live locally. 

  • Hi Kelly, 24 wow, don't they grow up so quickly, no great grandkids, but blessed with 12 grandkids, the oldest being 16yo, and four kids 3 girls and my youngest a boy, It seems we both have a lot to be thankful for.

    Eddie xx

  • My grandchildren range from 13 to 29. 2 boys and rest are girls, the great grandchildren are one boy, he’s two and his sister is eight. We have three daughters and one son, so as you can see we are dominantly a family of girls, my husband says thank goodness for son in laws Joy     
    It is so very cold today 

  • Hi Kelly, 3 daughters and a son for you too, fab, I know a few families dominated by females, but never males, my girls are 52, 37 and 36, my son is 35, and have 6 grandkids over 10yo,"5 boys and 1 girl", and 6 under 5yo, "5 girls and 1 boy. I am 59, and yes my eldest daughter came to us a different way, I only have 1 son in law, who being a farmer, never gets a day off, though we rebuilt a large wooden barn on the farm together, I am a carpenter, and became very close.

    Eddie xx

  • Wow, I guess as they get older it will all even out. Well the mind boggles, you being 59 and your daughter 52?     
    Mine are all in their 40’s    
    My father in law was a carpenter.

     My MRI scan took awhile but went well, spent some lovely time with the birthday girl, then came home and promptly fell asleep. I seem to get quite tired.

  • Good Evening Kelly, it's nice to hear your scan went well, and great to hear you had a wonderful time with your granddaughter, I'm not surprised you conked out when you got home, the tiredness is a pain at times, mine is permanent due to my meds, hey ho, you adapt, well Kelly I'm going to let your mind boggle a little bit longer, I guess it seems a little unusual the age difference. Sleep well.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi Kelly,, Sorry I am a bit late in welcoming you to the group but it is nevertheless a very warm welcome!

    You are right of course, immunotherapy is getting great results, so let’s hope it will be great for you too. Like quite a few others here, I am well past my expected sell by date. I was told Stage 4 Malignant Melanomawith spread to lymph nodes, chest, pelvis and abdomen and the prognosis was 5-7 months. That was in 2013. I managed to get on a Drug Trial as a last resort as they didn’t have immunotherapy or anything else at that time they could offer.

    i am so glad you have stopped looking up the internet for information as most of it is out of date. Like you our family lives close by, although ours is a smaller family. We have 1 son, 1 dil and 1 grandson aged 10, 1 daughter, 1 sil and 2 granddaughters aged 13 next month and 10 in March. We are lucky to see them all the time.

    I hope from this Group you will receive all the support you need. We all know how you feel as we’ve all been where you are and also there is only so much information you want to give family and friends as they are worried enough as it is.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette,   
    thank you for the welcome message. What an amazing journey you have had. It must have been so devastating and scary being told that you only had 5-7 months to live, and yet you are still here after all these years, it brilliant. How are you now and what treatment are you on.  
    it’s a blessing having family living close by. 

    I had to spend the day in hospital on Tuesday as my infection markers were a little high, due to a sore and painful throat and in the oesophagus, they think it might be a fungal infection so had intravenous antibiotics, plus antibiotics to take for 7 days and a bag full of medication. I have also got to have a CT scan on my throat and neck just to make sure nothing sinister is going on.  
    I felt so much better yesterday so went for a massage at my local cancer support centre. 
    Kelly xx