Lovely morning chit-chat thread January 2025

  • 201 replies
  • 52 subscribers

A new year, new month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Lovely I like flowers in doors at this time of the year.

    Hope your happy with your wigs Stella   and not long before they turn up.

    Every one is different regarding losing their hair, when I had my op they shaved from top of my head to nape of neck, now 3mths you would never know all grown back and yours will after treatment. 

  • Good morning Ulls, and thank you, and best wishes to you and the family, I look forward to 3 better things than 2 of  those my friend, but have a lovely day out tomorrow.


  • eddie I will keep everything crossed for your daughter and you're family , my son breaks my heart he always says love you big much daddy , I miss you ,  im am so bless the way my kids are . maybe you should get a tournament going Eddie , im good at hooking and fading , but not in the right direction lol 

  • Hi Stella, the flowers look lovely, and resting up before tomorrow seems a wise thing to do. The family are getting together for dinner, so no cooking or dishes for me, but I will be taking desert's I made earlier.

    Mandy starts her chemo tomorrow, and I have a gastroscopy and a massage, I'm looking forward to one.

    A little unusual not knowing if the babies are boys or girls, but we know mum and they are doing well and gender doesn't matter, and i'm looking forward to seeing them soon, bet wishes again for tomorrow.

    Eddie xx

  • Thanks Simon, your son sounds amazing and full of love, which as you said earlier is what matters most, a golf tournament with the grand kids would be great, I have 6 over 9 years old, and 4 under 5, the youngest being 7 months old, so some are still a little too young yet, I think crazy golf would be a better option at this time, and who knows, maybe it could be the start of something for 1 or 2 of them.


  • Good afternoon Simon and a warm welcome to our group. Hopefully you will get as much encouragement and a giggle or too from this lovely and supportive group as I have. Best decision I made in a while to join and have made some real good friends.

    love Alana and furry friend Lilly xx

  • hi Alana and Lilly 

    thank you so much , I have been warmly welcomed here ,very jealous of lots of you with furry friends . I was looking at. rehoming a dog , I'd been looking for ages and then BANG !! have cancer. all ive been told can treat but not curable. I spend 95% of the time on my own iv'e seen a very handsome cocker spaniel would like to get but still unsure of the future. 

    Simon x

  • Good afternoon Stella,  much joy and happiness to you and your loved ones for 2025. Our FaceTime was working overtime over the festive days due to my little grandson’s chickenpox. Shame they missed out this year in joining the general mayhem with their cousins. Can’t believe Harris will be 5 months tomorrow. My 3 ‘looking forward” to things would be continued happiness and contentment for my 3 children and 5 grandchildren, hopefully being here next Hogmanay and chatting to you All about the ups and downs of 2025 and of course last but not least, trying to get back to a horse trekking outing. My oldest girl went back to London on Monday and my furry companion and I are having a couple of quiet days. Hospital on Friday, if my bloods are ok and lunch after the appointment with a pal if she gets home in time from visiting her family. Wishing you all a good week and good luck for whatever results you are waiting for.

    love Alana and Lilly xx

    P.S. all traces Christmas have gone away so I won’t bump myself on the table in the hall anymore Christmas treeJoyJoy

  • You are so welcome Simon. Loads of my acquaintances with cancer have dogs or cats. As long as you have thought of what will be best for the animal once our conveyor belt of life comes to an end. I have been on my own for over 20 years now since divorcing my ex. Don’t miss his company but could not do without a dog or cat. One has to get one’s priorities right after all JoyJoy. Since my last dog passed away I did not replace her. I am not as fit as I would like to be and dogs need walks. Not fair on the animal,  so took the hard decisions and settled to just have a cat. Some of my friends have been in touch with animal rescue centres who have a re homing scheme for animals from one person households. Maybe something you could look into.

    love Alana and Lilly xx 

  • Hi Simon,just had a thought about you and your wishes to get a dog. Have you considered short term foster care? That would let you have the companionship of a furry friend without the long term commitment. Hopefully this gives you something to consider. Enjoy your day and stay positive 

    Sharon xx