Lovely morning chit-chat thread January 2025

  • 216 replies
  • 52 subscribers

A new year, new month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Good evening everyone, 

    hope you’re all ok and been enjoying your hot chocolates . Sorry I haven’t been on or replied to you all , not been firing on all cylinders. Still not right , will catch up when I’m feeling better, stay safe , stay strong and keep warm . 
    simon x 

  • Hi Simon, it's good to hear from you again, and please there's no need to apologise for not posting, we all understand, staying warm, cosy and safe is good advice my friend, I hope you are following it too, and are feeling better soon.


  • Hi Ellie, Sometimes it is good to have someone to look after. I hope he hasn’t brought his washing with him! Lol! Did you make a list of jobs that need doing before he arrived? expect they are all dones now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I know where the washing machine and dryer are but don't know how to work them.

  • Morning Ulls, at least you know where they are, It's a start. Everything I wash goes on the same programme "quick wash" which finishes with a fast spin, no dryer here, clothes horses and radiators

  • Good afternoon everyone, 

    hope you’re all doing well , I woke to beautiful sunshine this afternoon, very hectic week already , had to rush to my son George and get him to the doctors, had a bad chest infection on Monday , then bless him he came out and picked me up from my second home , A&E , after being taking in again with a infection in my lungs. so exhausted and back in bed . Hopefully can catch up with you at the weekend. Wrap up warm and stay safe , 

    simon x

  • Oh sorry to hear you have to go visit your 2nd home again! I think you should think of selling it up as it is in huge demands. 
    Hope you are able to rest well at home. Did they give anything for the chest infection? 

    Rest up


  • Hi stella 

    thank you so much for you're reply ,  and thank you to all that sent me hugs , very much appreciated .yes I had antibiotics and liquid morphine and x-rays. they said my linings are inflamed  from the chest infection ,and have put it down to me catching covid at hospital  when I last had chemo on Christmas Eve . I have more antibiotics to take at home . i've never felt so tired. not to sure if they are go ahead with chemo on Tuesday , waiting for them to get back to me. I really don't know how you all have been dealing with it for years.your all very strong people and I have the up most admiration or all of you .

    Simon x

  • Hi Simon sorry to hear about what you’re son and then you have had to cope with recently sending you both Hugging enjoy your day and stay positive 

    Sharon xx

  • Hi Simon, I hope you are taking it easy to allow the meds to work! You say you don't know how we have managed to deal with this for years! The answer from me is "what choice do I have?". I'd be interested in others answers to this question. Simon, I'm sure you are stronger than you think, take it a day at a time!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!