Lovely morning Chit-Chat thread - September 2024

  • 359 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi Annette, hope your well rested. Sorry  to hear about you liver. I hope for good results from your scan. Your like me gone from monthly bloods to fortnightly to weekly now. I do believe the vampires ‍ have got it in for us. Lol If we didn't laugh we'd cry. Have a good day and keep that chin up. I've a bit of shopping to do then putting my nose in a good book.  Take care  xx


  • Hi Lee yes weather is awful and the best place in bed, but alas Ringo will need a walk soon then back to bed for uou lol. Hope your rib isn't broke. Have a good day stay dry and warm. XX


  • Hi Eddie, the new girl just sticking to her instructions. Yes enjoying my free days, as I have a few appointments next week. My  hairdresser laughs at me as I check my calendar on my phone before we book my next appointment . At least we're all well cared for, not just physically but mentally as well. Have a good day. XX


  • Hi Tricia

    Sorry to hear this, a  lot of the  treatment  causes, osteoporosis, do not get told that at start, though we would have gone ahead anyway.

    I landed up with three fractures in pelvis.

    As long as e are still here to moan and groan  thats the main thing. 

    Hope you had a nice chat with daughter, and you fed her well, made the effort, apron on, and was a proper chef lol,

  • Good Morning All

    Lovely and Bright at moment, yesterday was grey, windy, and freezing here.

    Sorted out my thermals, just in case, they need to be worn.

    Day out Appointment,  for next  injection in my eye, that will be number two, after four hopefully will get, my other cataract down. Very exciting.

    Any one else with appointment hope, they go well.

    Right Shower. 

  • Hi all , I have an appointment with the hairdresser and a supermarket,  enjoy your 


  • Hi what you getting a blue rinse, with hairdresser.

  • Haha a skinhead but it's shut


  • Men normally say barber, you said hairdresser , thats where you have a blue rinse, lol

    Never mind, a skin head would lol, better, right i am off appointment

  • Good luck 
