More n more

  • 19 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Tomorrow is the start of another 6months of chemotherapy yay! I hope this time this weight comes off, I've stretched n don't like it, my dog is loving the walks since I joined the the don't really wWinkt to be in this club that's a nice thing , hope you're all well and staying positive! Onwards and upwards!Wink

  • Thank you , it went well 6months of chemotherapy ahead there will be ice-cream dog walks n laziness had Wink


  • Glad your treatment went well Lec. My hubby has his third treatment on Monday. He’s not been too bad with it, just the usual fatigue at the beginning so he’s lucky I guess. I had chemo 12 years ago for my primary but now am on targeted therapy, still a chemo drug but much milder so just get fatigue towards the end of the cycle. Occasionally a wiped out day randomly. Dog walks and ice cream sounds perfect to me. And on your good days down to your allotment? 
    Jac x

  • Hi Lee, At the moment I don't think your weight is important. What is, is getting through your chemo whatever way you can. That will allow it to work perfectly for you and hopefully it will do its work exactly how you want it to!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, I just woke for biccys , IAM aware of this and thanks for the support it's nice to be able to speak to people that understand because they go through the same although wouldn't like to do something ,we all stick together is important, I'm having scans next Wednesday and then the dreaded wait.. hope you're ok n doing well and take good care.

    Each days a blessing.


  • Morning everyone it's pill time! Yippee!! Have a lovely day one and all!!Blush


  • Morning i have just came across this group. Hope your chemotherapy goes well . I wouldnt worry about weight if you enjoy biscuits then have them Lec . I quite often sit and eat a whole packet myself and cakes the little pleasures. Had my pill at 5am such a sociable time of the day lol. x

  • Haha good morning!I was up at 3 I'll be back up after a dog walk for a few hrs and an appointment at 10, hope you have a lovely day whatever you do...


  • Its horrible being awake at 3am the day seems much longer. Good luck with your appointment hopefully it will go well. Hope you have a good day too. xx