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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

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New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • Oh BP, I feel so sorry for you with all your ills at the moment but I think you should add one more ailment Hallucinations! Or do you really think you don't moan! Oh I don't think so!!

    Judy, I thought your username was short for message, see how wrong I can be.

    Tricia, your son must have got a fright! Good he dialled for help. How are you now?

    Love to all.

    So it's Good night from ME and Good morning from ME too!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good morning all

    It's bright and sunny here at the moment but I sure that will change, just back from a dog walk at the country park, I've been feeling a bit down the last few days and I don't know why, anyway today's dog walk sorted me out, I was looking around at all the beautiful colours and listening to all the lovely noise and suddenly I realised how lucky I am to be able to do this. What a lovely place I live in.

    Tomorrow is treatment day I have immunotherapy every 3 weeks can't say I'm looking forward to it but at least my nurses are lovely and I always take them a little treat. This week it some tangy jellies, I've taken them before and they all said they enjoyed them. Anyway I get to do something nice for people who are helping me and the nurses get to know that they are appreciated. It's far better and easier to be nice to others cause you never know what they are going through and they certainly don't know what your struggles are. A smile can make someone's day.

    So whilst I can't send you all jelly sweets for a treat I can send you all a virtual smile and a hug, have a good day everyone


  • Yes, Hamhat, going on dog walks in beautiful surroundings is a blessing I really enjoy too! I love this time of year.

    I feel so grateful that I am still alive, and able to enjoy where I live.

    A bit schmaltzy, but true!


  • Morning Hamhat thanks for your cheery message. I felt heavy this morning and thought, come on you big girl’s blouse. And there you go! I have someone who understands and is grateful to be alive. Grin 
    Off to walk Ollie soon..will take note of colours turning gold. 
    have a good all xxx


  • You can’t say ‘ big girls blouse’ that is discrimination against ‘small mans shirt’

    get your Wokeness in order please.

    today I am identifying as a geranium, please don’t ask for a cutting.

    my shoulder and wrist are improving, pain level 9 out of 10.

    BPs BP is still unsatisfactory, I need some excitement to get that blood flowing!

  • So identifying as a geranium is working then if your pain level is dropping. 
    maybe it will work for your BP…sorry I have no other suggestions!! 

  • I have heard, top shelve special magazine's. get the heart pumping faster, so the blood will then flow. 

  • Not for us Ellie, there's to much lady hormones in us for those mags to have any affect.  Sleepy

  • Memories Memories of the way we where.

    Then buy a ladies book and look at men, might get heart racing lol lol lol .

    1. BP said needs some excitement to get blood  following, perhaps another geranium might, who knows.