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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Ulls that sounds a bit fishy Wink 

  • I agree that's why I not phoned anyone, I would need a recommendation from a medical professional 

  • Morning to you All

    Going to be a warm one, again, i have always liked September, that's when we had our holidays, when  kids where  little.

    Getting back to being a little bit calmer after company, was lovely as such.

    Do not think i could handle it all the time now, shattering for me, beds now stripped, why not its Monday.

    Getting a little concerned not seen Tricia, i have asked  if any one has, but nothing back.


    Hope you all have a pleasant day plqnned,.

  • Good morning All

    Just back from a lovely weekend in Broadstairs celebrating my mums 80th! Warm and sunny here so will be spending time gardening as well as helping son get ready and shopped for his holiday. Have a good day. Glad to see you back Ulls. BP hope your wrist heals soon for all our sakes. 
    Jac x

  • I really fail to discern your drift Jac!

  • Coffee Break, if i do nothing else today, so be it, two  beds stripped, turned mattress, washing on line and i am wetter than the washing, Happy Days, and i have had some one pop in, for a quick chat. LOL

  • You’re a busy bee Ellie put me to shame! 
    I’ve walked old Ollie just got back from Body Conditioning class. Now having my coffee Coffee️ 

    Off to Deaf church later. All go go go making the most of it before fatigue stops me. 

    Hope your wrist is ok BP (maybe Jac thinks we won’t hear the end of it Joy ) bless you

    Judy x

  • Hi, I've given up hoping for the osteoarthritis to stop, got appointment with GP on 15th I've requested to be past to a consultant, I didn't know you were so young your mam is 4 year's older then I.

  • Well I'll just have to drone on about it to you daily or more often.