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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Good morning Ellie,  yes sun is shining here, it makes you want to get out. Today, pick perscriptions up and some more goodies for my grandsons. Before anyone says get perscription delivered, I don't as I believe in use it or loose it, so while I can we walk and pick them up. A lady said yesterday I'm stupid !! should get them delivered.I won't repete my reply hence she shut up. Anyway just getting up for advacado on toast for breakfast. Have a lovely day xx


  • Good morning to everyone. The 1 summers day we have has arrived in this area i had better make the most of it. Iwas beginning to think that i must be barred as my computer is not posting anything  or pages lol. Wouldnt mind but its brand new only a few weeks old. I hope everyone is ok and has a great day on this sunny Thursday. xxx

  • Joy Rofl This is what happens when we’ve been on here too long! 
    Have a good day as possible Ulls xx

  • I ordered that my meds should be delivered, more  trouble  that what ir was worth, never turned up, back to as you Moi get it picked up, enjoy your day. xx

  • Morning Moi and all. I had the same problem with my new laptop, it blew up!!!! All sorted now though. 
    Just been for bloods..10th chemo tomorrow. Meeting an old friend for coffee then more old friends are coming at lunch time (Ian was our best man 55 years ago!!) there’s no rest for the wicked. 
    Builder’s  on the roof  

    Judy xxx

  • Well Tricia working, at this moment, horray, yes lovely here as well, make most of it, rain for weekend, drives you crazy i just open curtains  for the lucky dip, xxx

  • Morning Ellie how right you are it does seem to be working at the moment but i wont put a bet on it. lol. How are feeling today. Good i hope. As the white toga man is from greece i will send him down to whisk you there, avoiding any rain. Pack a weekend bag and the factor fifty! lol. . Tricia xxx

  • LOL Bag packed, i do not hang about, yes i am ok, others might think not,but am i bothered.

    Just been in garden. lawn mower plugged in, though not switch on yet, a little like me will compose my self.

    Hope you have a nice day planned, later Tricia. xx

  • Ellie put the lawn mower away lol have a cuppa and get the sun cream on. lol. I have no plans for the day but who knows what might turn up!!. xxx

  • LOL Grass half cu,t my day yesterday, no plans, and had people knocking for their

    cup of tea, always open house.

    Just having coffee, then back out, finish other half, sun is on my back garden from first thing of a morning to last thing of a night, so have to do, before sun to hot, otherwise will be burning lol lol.  BURN BABY BURN my hubby always said, he would play that at my funeral, i think he was joking, though might not have been.   lol lol  lol