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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Well they are keeping their eye on you, and hopefully, will come up with the right answer, and sort things out xr

  • Hi Ulls, sorry to hear your check ups are reduced. And more surgery. Look at the positives they are keeping a good check on you. It must be hard after being in hospital,  coming hope and getting that news. I'm sending hugs and good vibes XX


  • I don’t need to tell you Ulls of the amount of new stuff for our cancer.

    plenty in your oncos armoury I am sure.

    keep the faith.

  • Hi BP I think you have been unwell for some time, like most here! Somehow a male who is unwell is MUCH worse that a female who is unwell!

    The reason I know is because my husband had a cold last week!! All I heard was OOH! OOH! Cough cough! Please don't think I am being unkind but I was making him hot blackcurrant, Lemsip, tea, coffee etc etc so I did take care of him! LOL!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good morning all, Ellie and Moi your both right they are doing stuff which will benefit me, so I just go with what they tell me, I forgot to say the pharmacist said I should take ibuprofen as well as paracetamol together at bed time, and at there own dosage during the day.

    Told him GP said not to take ibuprofen, he said she's a GP I'm a Cancer pharmacist, so did what he said whilst I was up a few times for the loo I was not woken up by pain.

  • That's good news pain.

  • Hi BP nothing I've been told bothers me yet, will get my PSA results this afternoon even if it doubles again I'm still within the safe zone.

  • Good morning Ulls, thank god the pharmacist knows his stuff and you had a good night's sleep at last. It makes a big difference to your day when you have slept pain free. Have a good day. Sending hugs xx


  • Hi, not quite still have some pain but nothing like I've been experiencing.

  • Thanks Moi I can feel your arms around me