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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Ho no My Lady Ellie please don't be sad, I'll have to send you something amusing to cheer my drinking buddy up, it's Friday tomorrow, wine and whiskey night I'll supply nibbles, I'd love you to nibble my nuts, almond's walnuts peanut's ect.

  • To right works is always waiting for me.

  • Good morning Ulls eeeee rain !! So it's an indoor day, paint tomorrow.  Bet the garden is looking good. Have a nice day xx


  • No it does not mean  itisme will post,

    I meant i will talk rubbish, like i do normally at times,

  • Ulls, i am very partial to some nuts, as long as not Brazil Nuts to big, Walnuts my favorite xx

  • Morning Moi2 its another grey and wet day here too. How are you this morning good i hope. Have a great Thursday whatever you are doing today. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Good morning! 
    Good luck to everyone having treatments, hospital and infusions today. Hope it does what is says on the tin. I’m having my haircut this afternoon, ready for trip to Bonny Scotland.

    Does anyone else have lung drains? I have pain in the opposite side every time and wondered if everyone gets this. it’s painful at night and when I bend over, cough, breathe deeply etc

    Jac x

  • Morning Jac sorry to read you are having pain. Have you told the hospital about this. Maybe they have something they can give you to help. Have a fabulous time in Bonny Scotland lots of amazing places there. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Brazil nuts, Ellie do you remember the story that was in the news year's ago, an old lady asked her career if she enjoyed the Brazil nut she gave her.

    Career said yes the were lovely, old lady said to hard for me to chew now so I just sucked the chocolate off.

    Never eat them since.

  • Ho my Jac that sounds dreadful pleased I don't have them yet, but my heart goes out to you having to put up with it.

    I didn't know it was compulsory to have your hair cut before going to Scotland, keep this quiet, I don't, lol