Dazed and confused

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  • 48 subscribers

Good afternoon all, so having to learn to live with stage 4  incurable rectal cancer is difficult to say the least. So I thought life life to the full. Extra challenge is learning to cope with stoma bag . So weather really good over weekend decided to cut the grass. Not a good move on my part, absolutely knackered me.

  Had nurse today to flush my PICC line and take blood, flush went well taking blood a different story, loads of oh dear not happening, can you stand up, can you put your arm out, can you raise your arm above your head, after all of that makes call to be told can happen try flushing again. So flushed again no blood bearing in  mind I have chemotherapy tomorrow I start thinking can't do it with out blood test. In then end Nurse managed to find a vein and takes my  blood. What a relief, then get asked have you done any strenuous recently said tried to cut the grass, oh that could be the problem your PICC line might have moved, oh great i think so have to have x-ray tomorrow before chemotherapy to check PICC line location plus now have to wait to be measured for a stoma activity belt as I could get a hernia. Told not to do anything strenuous. Just wondering how can I live my life to the full. 

Sorry for long winded rant just feeling so low after this morning.

  • Hi Benji

    Sorry you encountered these problems today,

    The trouble is, our mind says, we can do what we used to, it is the body then that lets us down, we push it to far, and at times it does not fill like  we have pushed to ffar.

    Our bodies have taken a bearing in many ways, we have to learn to adjust, i can work hard one day, then fit for nothing the next, 

    Once we can accept, wee have to change our ways, it makes our lives a little better.

    My hoover has been standing in my living room, two days now, dusted, but no hoover tomorrow, everything takes me longer and i get frustrated, but in the end, however long it takes, it gets done, then it is time to do all again.

    My garden takes three  days, mow one day, dig the borders over next, and tidy pots the next, cannot do all in the one day like i did.

    Never mind we are here to complain of these things.

    Glad you had your rant, we all do that, 


  • Hi Ellie, many thanks for your reply I understand where you are coming from, was thinking about getting a goat but my lawn isn't big enough, plus don't think the dog would like it. One at a time I guess.

  • That made me smile, i am afraid it is a learning curb, it is hard, but it can be done and really we should, all take things a little easier.

    I am sure you will find your own way of doing things, to make life better for you, i hte asking my kids to do anything, it is like i am giving in, though  few times vi have because i know i cannot, think, it is admitting it to our selves,we have some thing wrong with us.

    We are not alone in these circumstances where there is a will there is a way.

    Always here, rant any time we all have those ,moments i have had quiet a few,


  • Goat = top idea!  Is a sheep a go-er?  Is your dog a sheep dog perhaps?!

  • Hi Mmum I have a sprocker, he is 9 years old and mad as a box of frogs. He has issues of the attachment type, I can't even leave the room without him following . I'm really not sure if he would allow a goat or even a sheep in his back garden.  I think he has been so spoilt not only by me but my dear wife. 

    I'm sure he thinks he is human.

  • It's like a different world. I used to pack loads of activity into my days, mowing the grass would be one of many things to do! Now I am lucky if I can walk around the shops.

    I went to a shopping centre recently, it was like my batteries had run out off energy, I almost started going backwards! Managed to hire an electric scooter wheelchair thing...they are great for doing donuts, amazing turning circle!

    My strenuous activity today = 1 minute of steps on the bottom stair...hope your day is better tomorrow and everything goes to plan. 

  • Hi JB2022,thank you for your comments, this disease we are all suffering from is so cruel, having lost my wife last July to this disease proves how cruel it can be. I know I have to make changes but I will keep pushing until I have to slow down. 

    I like your comments about donuts it did make me laugh perhaps you should start your own stunt team.

  • Hi Benji and welcome to the Group no one wants to join but as time passes and you get the support you need, you will be glad you joined!

    My you have already have had a lot to cope with. DO you know, I think your dog is missing your wife too which is why he is following you around. He's just making sure he has you in his sights, can you blame him!!

    As others have said, it is very hard to come to terms with the fact your life has changed forever but once you accept that (it takes a while) things get slightly easier. Like Ellie, I have to pace myself, if I do something one day, I have to rest the following day. I have lost my mobility, which for me is the worst thing. I either have to use double elbow crutches or a wheelchair. I have accepted it but I don't like it! I used to be very active playing badminton, tennis, walking, doing Tai Chi etc and have gone from one thing to the other. I try to take things day by day and do the best I can to enjoy whatever I'm doing.

    I too have dodgy veins that they can't find. I give them 3 shots at it, then tell them to go get someone else to try. My view is if they can't get it after 3 tries, they are going to get so harassed and nervous, they won't get it at all.

    Pllease remember there are a lot of us here who are well passed our "sell by date"! They are coming up with new treatments for all types of cancer every month, so the longer you are around, the more chance you have of getting one of the new miracle drugs!

    You have done the right thing by joining here, they are a great bunch and will laugh with you, cry with you and give you all the support you need! Take it easy and rest when you need to,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi anndanv, thank you so much for your comments, yes I agree the dog is missing my wife like we all are, plus the amount of hospital appointments he gets confused when I am not around. 

                  I have done so much reading up on the health issue I have and yes there are great advanceds in looking for cures  which does give me hope. I think that even though I have accepted things it is the coming to terms with it that does take time. I was diagnosed end of January this year but had symptoms for a year previous which hasn't helped things but life goes on.

    After one of my favorite songs I have that Peaceful Easy Feeling .  

  • Hi  

    I know exactly what you mean about learning to pace yourself. I found this hard as well. I expected to be able to do full on housework 2 days after my first chemo treatment. I felt like I'd been hit by a bus the day after. I used to be able to plough on before cancer and treatment but I don't do it now. I get to a point where I know I need to stop or I will feel poorly by feeling exhausted. It took me a while to get to this point of understanding my new body and it's capabilities though. 

    Hope you feel better by talking to us lot that know the frustrations,

    A x