Fed, up

  • 17 replies
  • 46 subscribers

I just want this to end,, I've had enough,  can't get comfortable in bed because I can't lie on the left side, not since having the lumpectomy and axillary clearance ìn 2021, can't lie on the righr side due to some kinda problem in the right arm and can't lie on my back due to either suddenly stopping breathing or the back of my head hurting,  everything hurts and nothing seems to stop it .

I sit here crying, frustrated and fed up, trying to get the pillows into a comfortable position but because certain movements make me breathless, it's a case of move one pillow, rest, move another, rest and so forth , 2 hours have gone by and still struggling to get comfortable. 

Don't want to go on like this anymore , and wish this whole cr@p  would end but knowing my luck, the big man up there will make me suffer longer, that's how I feel .

I came to bed exhausted,  barely able to keep my eyes open but because I've spent so long trying to get comfortable I've woke myself up , so another night of being awake for many hours greets me .

I apologies for any mistakes , I haven't got my glasses on .

I just feel so fed up , move, wheeze, cough, move, wheeze, cough that's it and add the pain, is this my life, for the remaining time I have left?

Sorry don't mean to upset anyone by then reading this,  I'm not suicidal,  I'm not going to end my own life .

I've just had enough, just feeling fed up and a bit down  just needing to sound off to others that hopefully understand how I feel .

  • I shall definitely look for one of those thank you x

  • Hiya Nala66.

    I completely understand what you are saying. I too suffer at night and can't get comfortable and sleep. It very frustrating, I've tried all sorts of things including changing pillows. The best pillow I've found so far is a memory foam v shape pillow I also have a heated blanket. I keep the heat blanket on most of the night and the combination of these two items does help a little. I am assuming you have tried this sort of thing. I do have strong pain killers oxycodane, I take 20mg in tablet form before I go to bed and I also have liquid that I can boost this with throughout the night. 

    I really feel for you and I can make any suggestions that might help. I tend to catnap throughout the day, not really the answer but it's something. I assume you have spoken to doctors about it and perhaps like me you don't like the idea of sleeping pills, but I must admit they are becoming appealing the longer the sleeplessness goes on. If by any chance you find an answer please post it on here so we can all benefit from you knowledge.

    In the meantime take care and I hope you get some relief soon sending you hugs for now.


  • Nala, have you asked about radiotherapy?

    I had the most awful pain at one point. Was mainly in my shoulder with referred pain all along the  back of my neck and down into the orher arm. I couldn't sleep on either side  or on my back for months. I was desperate for it to end

    The strongest strength pain kilkers weren't even touching it 

    But as soon as I had radiotherapy lt sorted the pain out and I have been pain free for months. (I dont even take Paracetamol any more)  and I was on heavy doses at morphine at one point!

  • Hi, harebelle, 

    Yes, that was the first question we asked and the answer we received was no, radiotherapy wasn't an option. 

    I think its because the main tumours position 

  • If we can get our sleep sorted, the following day is always more tolerable. Everything flows from a bad night. I too have run out of a lot of sleeping positions. I've found that a Harley Medical neck pillow of shaped memory foam very good, but being memory foam it does make your head very hot, so for me it's great in the winter but phew in the summer. I also don't like sleeping pills and the ones I have been given always make my mouth taste horrible - I call it boiled tea spoons but basically, metallic and nasty - so at the moment I avoid them.

    I have a few friends who have recommended CBD but I haven't tried it yet.  Check with docs in case of reactions. Rainie x

  • Thank you for your reply. 

    I recently purchased a V-shaped memory foam pillow, I had a normal one but the stuffing as become lumpy , however I tried it last night and it wasn't very comfortable, which is sad and considering sending it back .

    I'm not into taking sleeping pills for the same reason as you, plus they don't work  x

  • P.s I have tried the CBD  but found it didn't work for me x