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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • Lol, my singing voice is very frightening! 

  • Good morning M. Sorry to read that you have not had a good night and unexpected calls from oncologists are not what you want , although im hoping i am completely wrong and he had some good news for you. Chinese before football match, and drinks after sounds like a great day. ive got my fingers crossed that your team win. My day will be filled with food shopping and housework but i will make sure there is plenty of cake for after. which you are more than welcome to share. lol. Sending you lots of love and hugs Have a fantastic day i know your team will win. Take care Tricia. xxx

  • Thank you so much Tricia for the positive vibes.  Yeah it wasn’t the best call but you know onwards and upwards as they say.  The sun is shining today so far and I have a nice day ahead.  You make sure you take some time out to stop, relax and yes eat some nice cake or do whatever makes you feel good on this lovely Saturday.  Thank for the love and hugs and right back at you Tricia. 

    Have a great day 

    M x x x x 

  • Thankyou M i am always here for a chat should you ever want one and thanks for the great advice.  Onwards and upwards M  Love Tricia. xxx. 

  • Morning, how the other half live, what am i doing wrong, Well not sure any of us have a signing voice, and i do not want to learn how to.

    Because this far lady is not signing yet lol

    Well heating, on , wish it would warm up, as they say Always Look n The Bright Side of Life, Chinese and Football,, what more could you ask for, lol.

    Well cuppa ready,  , my visitors have gone, silence is golden xxxx

  • If your making cake post a photo and we'll all enjoy it Tricia 

  • I say the fair Lady's go it yes by George she got it, sae the stage show at Sunderland Empire Theatre a few years ago don't realise you were the leading Lady Ellie.GrinGrinGrinWink

  • Hi Chalkdust you should have stayed longer you missed the best bit we also sang flower of Scotland.

  • Do not tell them that it was like a choir xx

  • I have many hidden talents, , though i do not tell every one, they just appear every so often xxx