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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • Lol, you are so funny Tricia. Love that! Xxx

  • Morning Morton, pleased to hear that your appt with the hospice nurse well. WOW! What a gorgeous view and good for you to chill and genuinely relax whilst enjoying fresh air and that stunning view. I hope you’ve got plenty of teabags, some wine and plenty of cake and biscuits for Ellie’s arrival - I am sure I can hear her packing her suitcase from here! ENJOY xx.

  • Your reciting song titles again GrinGrinGrinGrinGrin

  • Morton is that from your house? You lucky beggar! If you’re away what a stunning view x

  • Good morning everyone. Nice and sunny start to the day today. I’ve been busy looking after my dad who has blood cancer amongst other things, and he’s been struggling this week after a routine procedure. But I have some good news to share! I had my first face to face consultation since covid on Tuesday, and very happy to report I am still stable. Although I have had regular CT’s and telephone consultations over the past 3 years, it is so much more reassuring to actually see your consultant and have a physical examination! In 2 months time it will be 14 years since my first diagnoses of endometrial stromal sarcoma! That’s crazy!! Where does that time go? But I am extremely grateful to be able to continue share my story. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you Ruby, we are very lucky and this is one of the good things that happened due to all this illness stuff, forced our hand to move to something smaller and it’ s the best thing we could have done.  Yes Ellie will be welcome and she won’t be doing any work lol 

    M x 

  • Hi Shadders yes we live on the river now so we are very lucky when the sun shines to have the view. 

    M x x 

  • Hi Chelle, what wonderful news for you to have that face to face reassurance and what an amazing amount of time.  It goes so much hope to us all I think.  I do hope your dad is ok.  Many best wishes on your stable news 

    M x 

  • Just beautiful Morton. What a wise move! 
    Jac x