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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • Thats great Ellie stay on top form you deserve to. xx

  • I don't kill anything Ulls, though I can think of a fair few of my own species I could cheerfully dispose of.  Rainie x

  • Thanks ulls, you made me laugh. Rainie x

  • I not to bad today, pleas you and the other Ladies liked my wee joke.

  • I do I trap and dispose of vermin humanly the squirrel I give to a restaurant 

  • Good morning all.  it sounds like there were some lovely Easter’s and nice to see that a few wines didn’t slow you down on your chores Ellie!  Nice cat Ulls, lol.  Hope everyone has a nice wee day planned today?  Thanks for your good wishes regards my chemo yesterday and it went according to plan. I was awful proud as it was one of my ex -students ( I am a retiring nurse lecturer) who did my cannulation and looked after me for the afternoon.  She was brilliant and we had a lovely chat and catch up.  I remember her from her very first class at Uni and it is so nice to see her out and doing the job so well.  She was a mature student and was always nervous that she wasn’t good to be at Uni at her age, I do recall making sure that she knew the value her life experience would bring to the job would be crucial.  Proved to be so yesterday in my opinion.  Home about 6.30pm and managed to eat a small bit before, as usual, falling asleep at the table and being packed off to bed about 7.30.  Had a really good sleep and don’t feel too bad today really.  Tired with some expected Nausea but all in ok. 

    So that’s me into cycle 4, cross your fingers it is actually doing something.  should get the scan appointment in soon.  

    Hope if any of you have any appointments they go as well as mine went yesterday.  Sending you positive Scottish vibes for your Tuesday 


    M x 

  • Good luck with your treatment Morton.

    Cat x

  • Good morning Morton im glad your chemo went according to plan and hope it is doing its stuff. I hope your plan today is to rest and recuperate. What a lovely person you are still sending positive vibes to the rest of us. I hope the nausea passes quickly and you have a good day filled with pampering and of course cake. How great it was to read that you were looked after by a former student of yours. You should feel so proud you have certainly given back so much to the NHS  . I am sending you lots of love, hugs and positive vibes too. Take care Tricia. xxx

  • Glad every thing went well. and i hope you was a good patient,

    Yes as has been said just take it easy today, do not push your self, eat little and often if fill a little Nausea, you know the routine . eat if can, little and often if possible.

    Later xxx

  • Thank you Cat…:)