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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • Your very welcome, and yes you are in the right, place, and so am i, other wise we both have lost the plot, lol..Sorry you do not fill 100 per cent, tomorrow is another day, i felt good today, hence the garden.

    My daughter is quiet good, if you read my profile i have a long history, regarding cancer, me hubby and daughter, but till standing just about, xx

  • My Day,'

    A few stressful days, of that there is no doubt, so what do i do, go in the garden and look at the view.

    What a mess, that's all i can say, though out in the fresh air, because, it is a beautify day,i looked around and what did i see, loads and loads of weeds, greeting me.

    The greeting was not  mutual and a site for my eyes, well weeds, i have a surprise, one at a time, and thankfully with ease, i pulled them out, and was really quite pleased,

    I stood back, and thought here goes, out came the mower, and give it a go, job completed and what a surprise,my stressful days, are all behind, the sun shone brightly and i looked up to see, a red robin looking at me, my day was completed, that's for sure, i believe in Robins, are meant to be, someone  in heaven is watching over me, 


  • I enjoyed that  . Very good. Hope you enjoyed the gardening. I've been weeding the hedge and getting rid of old leaves. Put some mulch around the plants, homemade compost would you believe, and watered with some feed added. I'm aching now, will be worse tomorrow. Think the weather is supposed to change for the rest of the week.

    A x

  • Hello all, we have moved twice since this morning.  Thanks for your good wishes re the wee break away.  The better Half and I were in the Hotel de vin in Glasgow.  It is very nice and we got a wee upgrade to a suite due to my diagnosis, my sister in law let them know and they were kind enough to upgrade as I was in the middle of chemo.  We chilled out with a wee cocktail and then went for a walk, to the pub lol.  Came back and had a lovely dinner in the restaraunt before a night cap int he bar and a wee decent sleep actually in a massive super king sized bed.  It was such a relaxing time.  I am trying to catch up with you all.  Glad to read you are stable Mabel Ulls and I hope those of you who were having treatment are feeling ok now.  I see a lot of gardening is being done so I hope you all aren’t over doing it!  Sorry to hear about your reaction Lucy, hope you are ok now! Sorry to hear about your holiday cancellation Jac’s Hope your CT scan is ok Moi. 

    Sorry if I missed anyone, I will be back day to day now on the thread and try and keep up.  Nice to be back 

    M x 

  • Glad you had a good day, i still have a lot more to do, takes me longer  these days, though nice to be out there,

    I though it was going to change Thursday, will wait till i get up tomorrow,


  • Woo hoo new thread! Getting through them! Thanks for another wonderful pome Ellie, my Dad used to call them that, thought he was funny! He writes poems too

    . Nice to hear you had such a lovely time and that the hotel staff kindly upgraded you, how lovely that they did that, and that your sis in law told them, lovely thought. 

    Sorry you’re not feeling it Ruby, we all have down times it’s a lot to live with. It’s great that you find solace here, I too have found it to be a lifeline as no one else really gets it. 

    Ellie I wish I’d got into the garden today, did housework instead as so busy over weekend and yesterday. Did get my washing on the line though it’s so lovely seeing it all there and got three loads dry! Hopefully get into garden after reflexology tomorrow. 

    Jac x

  • My washing all done yesterday, no house work today, blow it, do next time it rains lol.

    Sick of looking at same four walls, but was nice out side, xx

  • Top of the morning to everyone.  I hope you are all well?  I have quite an interesting day.  I am doing a wee interview with Prostate Cancer UK about Chemotherapy.  The interview will then go on their site to help others in my situation.  I thought it might be useful to others albeit I am al little nervous lol! Not sure why.  What plans do you all have?  I hope that everyone is as well as can be?  We are a strong wee bunch on this thread so I think we are all going to have a good day. 

    Cheers all 

    M x 

  • Wow! Go Morton! Have fun doing that. I’d be nervous as well, I’m sure everyone would. Hopefully the crew will be understanding and kind and put you at ease. 
    Today I have reflexology then a bit of shopping then if I have the energy I’ll get into the garden 

    Jac x

  • A very good morning to you all, Ellie I hope your well ready from the gardening yesterday, Ruby I hope you had a good night rest and not so wobbly