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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Hope you enjoyed your wee wine Ellie and had a great sleep. 

    M x 

  • Morning everyone hope you are all well rested and ready for Monday no matter what it brings. I had an interrupted but still good sleep last night.  Today is Chemo 3 day so I am up to spend a wee bit of time feeling normalish before they throw more poison into my system.  I am feeling good about this one, I think this is the one when things are going to start improving :) 

    Hope whatever you are doing is positive and turns out well.  

    When I was out for my walk yesterday I bumped into a lad from school I hadn’t seen for 30 years or so.  It was like I had just seen him on Friday past and we had some fun recalling some of the mischief we got up to (I know, Morton Mischief, am an angel really  lol). So nice to meet someone with zero  pretentious bones in his body and who just spoke about the past and the present with a smile on his face.  Fair cheered me up. 

    Ok everyone have the best Monday. 

    Best wishes

    M x 

  • Good morning Morton68. What a generous man you are. Even when you are facing a difficult and trying day with chemo no3 ahead you are still lifting peoples spirits. Fingers crossed that no3 is the  one. Glad you had such a lovely day yesterday  and i must admit i ts difficult to believe there was once a Mischief Morton as you say i only know Morton the Angel. lol. My thoughts and love are with you today. Morton the Conqeror of everything has been released today so watch out world.!!!.Great big hugs too. Tricia. xxx 

  • Hi Tricia, fancy that Morton mischief, unbelievable, "not" fully understand, anyway how are you today 

  • Morning Everyone

    Just woke up, bed 11.30, opened eyes 8.30, never even got up during the night,

    New i was shattered, and i had two glasses wine,

    Lots of clearing up to do, but for me a great weekend, now, back normality.

    Hope every one is well, and take the day, as it comes.


  • Good for you, , onward and upwards, is the answer, kick some A,,, with big boots.


  • Good Morning to all my incurable companions, a few jobs this morning the Specsavers after lunch followed by a visit to diabetic clinic for my wife. I hope you all have a good day 

  • Aww thank you Tricia, I think we are a positive wee bunch of chit chatters on the whole :) I have been for a wee bit of fresh air and heading up to the cancer centre soon so have a a nice day :) 

    M x

  • Hehehe I had my moments Ulls ;) 

  • Morning Ellie, sounds like a weekend you needed after a few rotten days last week.  You have your big appointment this week too? Hope that gets you some info you need 

    M x