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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • that should say us it seems my fingers are ahead of my brain lol xx

  • Morning, well and the price of flowers go up, i buy a bunch every week, though not today, lol

    Go travelling lovely my gran daughter did that last year, 3 months, bail, Thailand, and Vietnam, she loved it only parents where worried, oh to be young, xx

  • That sounds similar to daughter Ellie, same sort of areas. Yes I’m sure she’ll have a wonderful time but I am worried for her! Not telling her that of course! Also very jel and in awe as I never had the confidence to do it. Nearest I got to it was interailing with then boyfriend now husband and island hopping with  best friend in Greece. Have wonderful memories of both though.

    Have a good day all, I have my second throwing on the wheel lesson today, then Pilates. Hoping the Pilates will ease the aching in arms and shoulders after the wheel lol! 
    Jac x

  • Morning Jac in fairness any pain i get is managable so far and hope that continues. How are you today. ? Hope you have the best Friday ever. Love Tricia. xx

  • Well my granddaughter, said she felt safer, there than here and no problems what so ever xxx.

  • Hi Tricia, I’m good today thank you though need to get up! I’ve been struggling recently with negative thoughts about the foreverness of this bloody c! But am determined to overcome those thought and live life to the full! watching the final of The Piano helped me to put things in perspective. What inspirational stories! Hope you are good today too? 
    love Jac xxx

  • Good morning everyone. I feel a bit better today and I slept well. I hope everyone has a good day. Heart

  • Glad you fill a little better, and sleep, is a bonus, listen to your body, that is what they say, well mine is just old, need  some WD 40, enjoy your day.


  • Oh Jac im so sorry to read that you have been struggling with negative thoughts they do seem to have a way of getting in and then take their time leaving. I havent seen The Piano but i am glad watching it has helped a bit. If i can help in anyway please ask. My thoughts are with you and i am sending you a ton of great big hugs in the hope they will last you the day. What an amazing lady you are still fighting the horrible physical and mental problems this disease brings. Take Care Love Tricia. xxx

  • Morning Lucy glad to read that you are feeling better today I hope you have a good day too. Love Tricia. xx