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Lovely Morning no 8 Onward and Upwards

  • 963 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Yes new thread, it is chit chat, talk about going for scans, bloods, what your plans are today, if any, or talk rubbish, every day pros and cons bits of this bits of that.

anything  for the day., . We try to laugh, as laughter can be the best policy in all situations of life,, though not all the time,

If you wish to talk about a special topic, please start another thread.,

Have a Lovely Day  and keep having them if possible,

Ellie xx

  • i am being kind, could take ages to get enough, i have it, so might as well spend it, for a good cause,

  • Morning TVman, sorry I didn’t get back online yesterday was a busy day lol.  Thanks for watching out for my wee team now lol.  You will have seen it was a draw yesterday, not the best but stopped the rot!   I have been running or walking with these guys since, goodness, 2006!! So 17 years…I can barely believe it is that long ago!   Yesterday was a home game.  I don’t tend to go to away matches I Iike a wee week off every other week.  It is unusual for me to miss a home game like I did yesterday though.  Out wee club has put quite a lot of work into wheelchair access recently which I think is a really good thing.  It was a good day yesterday.  I think I had one beer too many lol, still enjoyable though. 

  • Nice to hear from you Carmarel, hope you had a great Saturday. 

  • Good morning everyone, hope you all had a great Saturday.  It’s bone tablet day for me so no cup to tea yet!  I had a great wee day yesterday, good company, good food and good drinks…what more could you need really!  I feel a bit rough this morning lol…can I blame the cancer??  My own fault really.  I was home and tucked up in bed relatively early though.   Enough about me, what is everyone up to this fine Sunday.  It was snowing here last night but doesn’t really lie where I am on the riverside.  Hope you all have a good Sunday.  I think a nice big Sunday roast is in order today :) 


  • Good morning to you Morton68. Glad you had a good day yesterday but will not believe that you had one beer too many. LOL. Tricia. xx

  • The sun is shining here. Off out later to my daughters for sunday lunch , my other children and grandaughter will be there too. Looking forward to it cant beat family time. xx

  • Hi Jac, the answer is yes, lot's, not for my wife and I as we don't like bad heads, but some of our guests get quite merry, and as normal I'm the one who loses, good job it's for fun.

  • Haha, well maybe slightly more than One Tricia.  Good morning to you 

    M x 

  • Brilliant Sunday, enjoy the family time Slight smile

    M x

  • Is it poker you play Ulls?  I am terrible at card games, my face gives away too much lol!