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Lovely Morning no 8 Onward and Upwards

  • 963 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Yes new thread, it is chit chat, talk about going for scans, bloods, what your plans are today, if any, or talk rubbish, every day pros and cons bits of this bits of that.

anything  for the day., . We try to laugh, as laughter can be the best policy in all situations of life,, though not all the time,

If you wish to talk about a special topic, please start another thread.,

Have a Lovely Day  and keep having them if possible,

Ellie xx

  • Hi All, hope you are all well, Have not had a chance to read back and am totally shattered after chemo 2 so will catch up tomorrow.  I am ok, just so tired. 

    Be back at it tomorrow 

    Take care all 

    M x 

  • Have a good rest tonight Morton and you'll be fine tomorrow Fingers crossed


    Love life and family.
  • Hi Morton Just wanted to say well done, that's two down. You'll be an expert soon, getting into your routine already! What you need now, is a long sleep. Have a long lie, no work rememberWink! Take care.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Tvman, I have seen those hoists work, they are amazing. The only problem is to get one, you have to order a huge car. We looked at them a few years ago but I felt I didn't need it at that time. I am 5ft nothing so it felt like I was driving a tank.

    When is your car due to be changed? Mine is due for change in June, so I'll need to give it some thought!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, my car should have been changed last April but I didn't have 12 months PIP left only 6 months because I hadn't been assessed as they were behind in their assessments. Then when that was running out I got another 6 months which again was no good. Then just a couple of weeks ago I was given 10 years PIP so now I'm looking for a car. 

    As for the hoist, the one I saw was in the boot of a Nissan Qashqai. Granted it's a big car but I had one before the Toyota CH-R that I have now.. After the appointment with the Toyota lady today we called with the Nissan Showroom, saw the guy who we saw 7 years ago but he isn't the Motability person now but he made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon with the lady who deals with Motability now. However he did have a chat with us, knew I was ill with cancer and because we didn't go to his place after the first 3 years, he thought I was no longer in this world lol. He looked at me like I was a ghost!

    After speaking with him today, I think we'll get it Nissan Qashqai. The down payment is better than the Toyota which is good. He told us that there's a car called e power which seems good but he didn't have one today although there's one coming tomorrow morning. 

    There's a delay for some cars so it's maybe a good idea to touch base with them soon Annette 

    I'm sure we'll chat soon Annette, take care.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Good morning everyone, thanks for your kind thoughts on my treatment yesterday.  I hope you all had good days and everything went to plan.  I was a bit late in starting treatment but it was clear there were too many patients and not enough staff so I just stuck my headphones on and waited.  When underway the staff were lovely.  Never got home till late and had some food, the better half went to hang up some washing and found me asleep at the table lol! So off to bed I was sent.  Had a great 7 ours then up for a wee while, then went back for another good 3 hours sleep.  I feel pretty rotten this morning but I was expecting that so I will spend the day on the couch catching up with tv.  I am watching the last of us on Sky Atlantic and it’s very very good. 

    Anyway all, again thanks for you lovely thoughts and concern.  It is much appreciate and reciprocated.  Look after yourself today. 


    M x 

  • Morning Morton,

    That rings a bell, I remember having to wait 4 hours for treatment and that was on a good day! The worst day was when they were so short staffed they tried to speed up my appointment which made me very ill.luckily hubby was with me or they wouldn’t have noticed. I never fell asleep on the toilet though lol! Only after a particularly drunken night when a student! We’re watching Last of us too but I spend the whole hour hiding under a blanket! I also scream loudly and jump out of my skin when anything scary happens which has made me throw my cup of tea all over myself! I’m very tense all the way through the show so not sure if I’m enjoying or not! It’s the one thing we all watch together though so that feels nice! 
    I’m off the have bloods done for chemo call later. 
    Have a nice day watching telly 

     Jac x

  • I meant speed up the chemo! Lol still early Joy 

  • Morton68 Sorry to read that you are feeling rotten. Sending you a big hug and hope you feel better soon. Tricia. xx

  • Morning Jac Idont know of this series but i have to ask why would you put yourself through it.!! lol. Good luck wwith your bloods today. Take care Tricia. xx