Past times, Past stuff

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  • 47 subscribers

Ellie mentioned on the lovely morning thread, that she'd once won a Teasmade in a competition.

Remember them?

Thought we could start a trip down memory lane about all those things that were around, but aren't now.

Or maybe they are, and we thought they'd gone forever, but they've been re-invented with a new name.

What do you remember that's gone? What do you miss?

I certainly remember the teasmade. My Mum had one, but after a while, my Dad proved to be more reliable.

Keep em'coming.

Rainie x

  • Hi Rainie, I think a lot of the things we threw out, you can now see them on Antiques Roadshow!

    yes I've got my thinking cap on too Ellie. I had a Pressure Cooker, I got it as a Wedding present and thought it was the "bees knees". Then came the Microwave and they went out of fashion for a while. Now they seem to be back in Masterchief Australia and I couldn't believe it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Srubbing Board, not sure if you can get one now. x 

  • I still love my pressure cooker...don't want to be without. 

    Just yesterday , hubby and i spoke and did remember the first Telephone we did get at home , we had a red one wow. 

  • LOL Ours was Green and had to wait three months before one was available and was on a party line as called then.that was 53 years ago

  • It was a great time...i remember my dad ...if one of my friends called and didn't say their name first , he just hung up!!! Well, they all did learn it lol

  • Where good days i have to say.

  • Corner toyshop. We grew up with one 5 minutes away. I bought an elastic powered balsa wood plane called a Sleek Streak .. 2 s and 11p. 

    Great plane but always ended up on someone's roof so had to by another when pocket money day came around.

    Us kids bought our first sheaf knives there and when we were older we hung around getting adults to buy us bangers for fireworks night.

    I loved that shop.

  • My Mum had a Prestige pressure cooker and it scared the life out of me with the weights wobbling about on top and all the steam and noise. Like a bomb waiting to go off. When I got round to getting one for myself, things had moved on and the Kuhn Rikon one I got was altogether an improvement. [Swiss I think]. But I only use it for stews so it's not in service that often.  Rainie x

  • My mum and dad had a teasmaid on the bedside table. I thought we were so posh! I remember soda streams being all the rage when I was a teenager and putting more concentrate in the pop to make it sweeter. It probably tasted gross!. And I remember my mum collecting green shield stamps. It was my job to stick them in a little book. I loved doing that as a little girl. My mum would save up to buy something from a selection at the …Co-op was it? I also remember Beejams in the high street in Brentwood where I grew up. 
    Jac x