Newly diagnosed but incurable.

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  • 48 subscribers

Thank you so much for accepting me. On 16th December I was diagnosed with cancer. After all the tests, I found out on Friday just gone that the only treatment they can offer me is radiotherapy to postpone the inevitable. They said I may have months or maybe two years. It's a squamous cell cancer, under my chin and spreading up the nerve to my eye. The whole side of my face is numb and I'm currently in hospital with the eye sewn shut and antibiotic drops to help it heal, hopefully. I apologise for any wrong buttons pressed as I'm struggling to see with one eye and I'm not good with technology anyway. How does everyone cope with this sort of news? How do I stay strong for my family? It all feels unreal. 

  • Oh AnnaMary, I’m so sorry to hear you’re in this situation, nobody deserves it. We’re all in the same boat here so feel free to vent to people who truly get it without feeling like you need to put on a front like you might with friends and family. 

    I’ll be honest - I haven’t read all of the other responses, but if there were a perfect time for professional help, psychological and pharmaceutical, now would be it. When I found out about my incurable status, I turned to my existing psychologist with whom I’d already built a close, trusting relationship over many years. If you don’t have the luxury of an existing relationship with a psychologist, a new one would do fine. It can take a few tries to find the right match for you, since we’re all so different, but it’s really worth the effort. 

    Additionally, reach out to your treatment team if you feel you would benefit from some anxiety relief medications. I find that just having them there makes me feel better - I don’t even need to take them! It’s like I’m stronger knowing that I can use them if things get too tough. 

    Please, if you are struggling, don’t isolate yourself. Reach out to your treatment team, your friends and family, and all of us here. You’ve stumbled across an amazing group of people and I’m absolutely certain you’ll make friends here quickly, if you haven’t already. 

    I am always here for a chat too. Feel free to PM anytime. 

    Sending all my love and prayers,


  • Thank you. I am currently looking for a pair of large sunglasses to cover the sewn shut eye, so I can go out without looking too scary. Typing is hard too. I keep pressing the wrong keys. I have pressed the 'flagged to moderator' key without meaning to, more than once. I hope nobody thinks I meant to do it. I apologise. I will certainly ask about anti anxiety medicines. This is a great page with a lovely group of people who seem to really support each other. I look forward to chatting to you more. 

  • Hello annamary. Sorry you have to join us, but a warm welcome to you - albeit a bit late from me. We're all here in this boat and we help each other with advice, support and some mad humour too. Take it easy and get to grips with it. Nobody reacts well to such news and we've all felt it like you. One day at a time and get the most from every one of them. Here's a hug to be going on with.  Rainie x

  • I am very relieved to have found you all on this page. It is certainly helping my attitude to my situation. Thank you for your kind words