Time to come out and say hello

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  • 57 subscribers

Ok it's time to say hello, I was too shy before but you sound like a friendly lot. I'm Sarah.

found a huge breast lump which had been hiding in my right boob in October 2021. I thought 'that's a cancer, and it's spread'. My 2 week referral took a month while I wet myself with worry. Two weeks later I had a diagnosis of a cancer, thought to be contained. Lymph nodes came out clear. I was told the 'good news' while sitting in front of the breast care nurse with the massive ascites that had come up, excruciatingly, overnight (size 12 belly becomes 5 month pregnancy between 9pm one day and 2am the next). I'd gone to A and E (of course) in screaming agony and terror. After waiting for an ambulance (19hrs) and waiting to be treated (12 hrs) I had a CT. Due to COVID, I was alone when at 2am the doctor woke me up and told me that my liver was full of some sort of cancer. I thought, well then I am f*cked. Pardon my language but it's the only term fit for it. This was Christmas 2021. 

Long story short, by Feb 2022 I was pronounced end of life by my GP. I was just worn down by it all and had deranged insides. But by the skin of my teeth I survived a brutal chemo regime long enough to frighten the cancer just a little and I started targeted therapy in July 2022, having turned 50 in June.

I never ever thought I'd still be alive now. Hooray, say the innocent. But they miss the point. My partner and I had a few weeks of great relief and joy in the summer, but the drudgery and the unremittingness of it have been hard to bear this winter. All is grey. I am having to accept I am in it for the long haul now, be that the couple of years I'm given by my oncologist or longer if I am lucky. I am now able to feel really very upset and bereft about it all. I am very upset about not having old age to look forward to. I do love life but I just do not feel vital. In health I would be rudely fit right now and achieving much. I do not feel well like that. I feel like I am about to pop a gasket. Or grey. Or I have the sh*ts. Or I feel tired to death. Or I feel lardy on account of all the comfort eating I'm doing. Or I am asleep for enormous lengths of time. Or can't sleep.

Which is what brings me here, I'm looking for my tribe, I feel very alone. I don't quite belong in the land of the living like my friends and family do. However much they may suffer because of my illness, they have life in its fullness. So I need friends in the twilight zone.

  • Hi all, I love the sea too. I've had a few stays at Llandudno. One November visit was memorable as we stayed in a dingy hotel the like of which time had forgotten. In the reception bay as well as the spectacular carpet there was a parrot  in a cage liberally splattered with droppings. It was listening to a soap opera known for its gritty content and knew a lot of rude works, it kept shouting 'fxxx oxx' while we were checking in. That should have served as a warning but we were snared. The whole place looked as though it had started falling down in the 1970s. It soon became evident that we were (unbeknown to us when booking) taking part in a Turkey and Tinsel break and the whole thing got more and more surreal and took a sinister turn when the staff,who were all dressed as elves, realised we were gay. I'll gloss over the details but we did have to run away from a homophobic drag act who pursued us into the bar.

  • On my goodness, it sounds like something out of Royston Vasey!


  • JoyJoyJoyJoyJoyJoy

    You have hit the nail on the head Sarah!

  • Makes faulty tower's sound good 

  • Oh Faulty Towers would have been infinitely more salubrious! Joy

  • Hi Sarah 

    And welcome.

    I'm not sure what to say, except they're a friendly lot on here.  


  • I get it about the future.

    Before I was diagnosed I wouldn't think twice about buying a piece of furniture for the house..  Now I'm a bit ' will I get the use out of it considering the expense'

    It's the same with clothes.  Will I get x amount of summerscout of it  

    As someone pointed out, it's like living in the twighlight zone.  There's a future of sorts,  but you can't see too far down the road.  I'm probably not éxplaning myself very well.

    I also have zero interest in going abroad for some reason.  I've been loads of places so don't feel as if I'm missing out.

    I find myself enjoying simple things, corny but true 

  • I think you explained things perfectly, the only alterations I do are things I think might be a problem to my wife when I'm not around to help.

  • Hi Sarah 49, sounds like you picked a wrongun there.. We gad a good time,  no f___ing parrots did the Orme, Angel Point. Good time had by all . Oh yes sampled the wine very nice xx


  • Wow Moi, the Orme Angel Point, you certainly no how to live the HIGH life