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Lovely Morning No 6, Spring will soon be here.

  • 976 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Another new one after Christmas No 5 has had over 900 replies, so new one and hopefully this will suit everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Yes I understand that, I am a little worried about having less contact with people so I know I need to find other ways.  Like you I just can’t work anymore. Although lecturing does no;t seem like a physical job on paper it actually is, sometimes you can be on your feet for 3 hours talking at a class with no break then 30 minutes off and back to another 3 hours doing the same. So I think thats why the doc said, no more, time to stop. 

  • I understand that Tvman when I was made redundant at 67, my world went from being constantly busy to empty, it took a while to refocus and then C at 73 an other refocus.

    It's a grand life if you don't weaken 

  • Nor did i, she asked how i was getting on with them, as a lot of people cannot take them, I said ok but do not like the wait before my tea, Hence the reply, xx

  • Some people put their lives on it, but to me it's just electronic stalking 

  • Good luck tomorrow Morton. You will get to know the same people at the appointments. They will be at different stages but some people like a chat to pass the time.

    You can push your infusion trolly around if you need a pee so not stuck in one place.

    It will do you good I'm sure of it.

  • Thank you 123, Chemo isn’t till Monday. It’s my work meeting tomorrow.  Thank you for the advice I was worried about peeing! As always lol 

  • LOL Like little Robots going around lol

  • I can sympathise Tvman, my life evolved around bikes, riding them and repairing motorcycle wear for a living, I had to give up riding a couple of yrs ago and i'm just in the process of closing down my business. I feel lost ! 


  • I can’t tolerate the bone tablet, so I have denosumad injection, the nurse does it for me every 6 months, only takes a minute. My sister has the infusions, hers is every 6 months as well, but she has to go to the hospital for that and takes about half an hour for it to go in. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Sorry, you fill lost,  you just have to find yourself again as such.

    Not easy, though we do learn to adapt, and try and make the most of anything and everything.

    Nice to met you x