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Lovely Morning No 6, Spring will soon be here.

  • 976 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Another new one after Christmas No 5 has had over 900 replies, so new one and hopefully this will suit everyone.

Ellie xx

  • sad, as such bit funny at times, though the out come is what they wanted, though was hard for others to understand that.

    So two sides to the story, 

  • My partner and I watched it too. She felt it was more about assisted dying than about cancer and I think she's right. It lacked detail for me..but it's a very personal thing and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I guess everyone will react differently to a in particular film..but it is good that having incurable cancer is recieving air time in an accessible way, gets people talking about it.

  • So sorry to heat this Ulls, Thinking about you and her 

    M x

  • Morning all, Hi Ellie, I have seen that as well. It’s a good wee drama, lots of nice Scottish river views as well.  Hope everyone is well today.  Busy day for me yesterday and it’s taken its toll this morning.  A day of rest is in order i think 

    Take care everyone 

    M x 

  • Morning Morton, it was talk about jack the lads lol

  • Glad it was a good day for you Morton, and yes a rest day now, xx

  • Martin Compston is from Greenock, sometimes see him out running when he is staying over here. He has a place in Las Vegas as well I believe.   Thank you Ellie, it was a nice day.  Making memories as we say 

    Hope you have a good day today 

    M x

  • Morning all. Got up early, bought the wife's paper and got her chocs plus bottle of her favourite wine.

    How much better could I be. I'm more Saint than husband.

    ( I hope that wasn't blasphemous)

    (Under the too much information tag..... she is cutting my toenails later, can't do that so quid pro quo.)

  • Sorry to hear your news ulls. That must be very hard for the twin and the family. When you see her please try to reassure her that no 2 peoples cancer is the same. She must be petrified that her story will be the same as her twin, but it’s not necessarily so. Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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