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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Well glad it has you thinking, I have been to Scotland loads of times, scenery is beautiful, if you are going right up the top.

    Have a good think, does not have to be a holiday,  5star restraint, a show you have always wanted to see, what ever, its your last thing.

  • Well, i did two half years on treatment every three weeks, never had the chance to get anywhere,

    Tom said when you finishe we are going away and you pick, i did we went on line a cruise, i finished xmas eve 2018 and he got his diagnosis, we had to pick to go in the April, though he was to ill.

    Norwegian Fiords, always wanted to go, again for the scenery, I can not see me doing this on my own, but have told the kids, take me there after i am gone,i  have money put away for i, Tom will come with me, still have him here lol.

    He wanted me to scatter him on the M25, i could not do that , he spent half his life on it HGV Driver, so that's me sorted , Well knowing the kids they could just spend it and i am in the dustbin, xxlol

  • Mind you wanted to do it before extinct 

  • I doubt that they'd do that to you. Been to the Ivy restaurant in London, food was good. No shows jump to mind. Just want to go to Ibiza again to my family, again will go sometime this year. I intend driving again drove around the park the othere day,  so doing that. We've got our cremation plot so will go in that. Think besides my prognosis,  I'm a happy bunny xx


  • Well every one to their own, thought skydiving anything like that lol, nt for me, something simple lol

  • See really we are all content with what we have lol

  • Simple things in life mean more than anything, well for some.

  • It could be the recycle bin  now that would b good lol

  • Ha ha yes !!!! Recycle Me, to when I was 36. 


  • Yes simple things like waking up every morning Sunrise over mountains 
