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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • I used to do both but stopped because it scared my wife, she was ok about flying with me

  • I don't think I could get on the wing let alone walk on it. As for surfing tried that in Ibiza, about 5 years ago, I fell of the board and my daughter  and grandsons were hysterical at me trying to get back on the board. It was exhausting.  xx


  • Good for you, i  have never really been adventures as such,the only leap i have ever taken, was getting married, that was a new hobby, 

  • Do you have a pilots licence, and did you sing Come fly with me to Julie. My thing was Netball, I was always the smallest on the pitch but the fastest. The tall girls used to fall over me ha ha, stopped at 35, then umpires for a few years. My ex husband use to say he was a netball widow.  xx


  • Never tried to surf, but looks like fun 

  • Yes I have a PPL, never thought about singing that to her, Julie was a netball player and smallest as well, she was also a fabulous swimmer and taught me to swim, I was scared of water after watching a friend drowned in the river 

  • Just been to the bathroom the way I climbed the stairs you'd think I was an old man 

  • LOL LOL God that made me laugh, i am with you on that one, not that your are old , i fill like a mature lady climbing mine, if did not have a hand rail, would not be able to do it, 

  • Mind you, we are not a youngest any more, though very hard to except, though not ready for the scape yard

  • I no, when hip and knee play up I used to go up on all 4s. That's one of the reasons we moved Into an apartment,  to make life easier. I swim , not fantastic, I tough my daughters to swim and my grandsons,  it was more for leasure, I can't dive, did a bad belly flop once and it put me off. xx
