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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  •   the zoledex is an injection as well, I have that every 3 months. It blocks the hormones, so I am like a menopausal woman at 100 miles an hour. It’s not fun, but if it works it’s worth it isn’t it x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • No problems with giving the injections Rainie, these ones are like epi pens. Press them into the body and press the trigger! The conventional ones are a bit more fiddly.

    I have done loads for my wife and vice versa so we are well used to it now.

  • I had Zoladex for 5 yrs Chelle, it did the trick but I'm on a break from it at present, still cry a lot and sweat a lot so there must be plenty still in my system!

  • Good night Ac123 hope uou have a good night xx


  • Hi Achancer123, That's great your wife and you can help one another, it can make such a difference!

    I do hope everyone is asleep now, topping up on their beauty sleep! Of course, I don't need it, so I am going to do my jigsaws and then read my Kindle for a while.

    Vince and I had our three grandchildren after school today, so he is asleep already, poor thing, he was exhausted although I was the one who made their dinner. They had a square sausage, potato scone, potatoe croquetted and pigs in blankets! There were three clean plates when they finished, then they had meringue, banana, salted caramel and vanilla ice cream, topped off with sticky toffee caramel sauce & marshmallows! Again the plates were all clean! They left about 7.30 pm as no school tomorrow. I think Vince was asleep by 7.40pm and I started to make our dinner! 

    A long but great day! Goodnight everyone!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • They have a good Na,n Grannie, Gran,Nanny what ever they call you. was worth the work.


  • Good Morning//Weather is terrible here might as well go back to bed.

    Just got up, not awaake as such, later xx

  • Good morning Ellie,  very overcast here, just having a cup of tea chat later


  • Good morning all, with the rain like this it might be March before we get a hose pipe ban!