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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • No one says you have to like your children, you love them of course you do, but may not always like them, my thoughts only saying

  • I can clash with my eldest, but he is the one with the biggest heart, for me, always has

  • I totally agree Ellie. I've often said to my girls I love you dearly but at this moment I don't like you. Emma cried and apologised. Deborah said that goes both ways you know your hard to live with at times. Then went stomping of to her room.  I know !!!! Was my reply to her. Xx


  • LOL Made my day that, i would have said and so are you lol.

  • Being  a parent is not always easy at times, take the good with the bad, and happy to say with mine mostly good, they has been moments, no one is perfect, though some think they are.


  • I must admit,  Emma thinks she has 2 mums and Debbie thinks she's my mum at times, but we love each othere. My eldest sister use to say she " I don't  know how you deal with 2 girls, my 4 boys are much easier to deal with"  ha ha .I had a house full of hormones lol


  • I have two boys well they are not they are men and a daughter,and an adopted son as such, 

  • I was amazed that he called the book 'Spare'. Maybe he just thought it rhymed with 'heir'? [heir and spare], but where I originate from in London it was an abbreviation of the phrase 'A spare p **** k at a wedding' and was very derogatory. People just abbreviated it to 'Spare' as in 'He's a right spare'. I doubt that the PR advisors around this numpty have ever heard of this. Dear oh dear. Is anybody here familiar with this phrase?  Rainie x

  • No though they say you learn some thing new every day, still trying to work the word out, no good on countdown, that's for sure.

  • How do you get on giving injections? My husband wouldn't do it so they had to send a nurse round. I couldn't do it myself. I hate needles. Even now, after everything. Needles and eyeballs: ankles turn to jelly.  Well done you. Rainie x