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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Thinking of retirement, I didn't realise you were still working, (I do forget things some times) Even if you cut  your hours down to start with. You have to put yourself and family first . Stress and over doing things aren't good for us. xx


  • He is only a youngest, could be my son,xx

  • Hi Ellie I hope you're appointment goes well, I'll be thinking about you big hug xxx

  • I no Ellie, some days my head is cabbaged. I hate it when young people get this disease xx


  • Hi Ellie, we have spoken about Morton's age before he could be my son aswell, he's lucky he isn't our child or he'd be a silly as we are, and he is very sensible.

  • Best of luck Ellie for your consultation. Not necessarily a bad omen, could be lots of reasons

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • LOL He is sensible, not for long, no doubt if he mixes with us,

    Just come in must have a coffee, later xx

  • Well i  still do not have an answer as such.

    Been a long mentally day though done with now.

    Fours  scans and they can not determine if it is cancer in the bones in the pelvis.

    So a full spinal scan it could be in the spine, and the spine is pushing on to the  pelvis to cause the fractures, fractures still not mended.

    One of tumours in lung grown slightly but not worth the worry.

    She will phone me two weeks today with the results, so another MRI looming, merry Christmas lol xx

  • Oh Ellie  still waiting, but she's being very thorough . So that's a good thing. Sending hugs xx


  • Hello you lot. Just read what seems like 27 yards worth of catch-up on this thread. Sorry if I've missed anything but I seem to miss quite a lot of this thread. If I go down to the 'latest' on the phone it often turns out a huge chunk has gone forever. Anyway, hope you are all ticking over OK?

    Like Morton, I'm also sleeping very badly. Get off OK after reading then wake up and lie there for hours. Got so bad we're getting up and making tea and reading some more. Helps sometimes, but am like the proverbial old dishcloth next morning. Not conducive to being creative.

    Have started singing again to try to improve my lungs. Maybe it will help get more oxygen in and I won't feel so tired. Onwards & upwards.

    Scan coming up on 23rd plus clinic with surgeon. Two tiring trips in one week. Joy!

    Then the long wait we all know and love.

    Booked a trip. Fingers crossed we won't have to cancel it. But you need something to look forward to and if you wait too long, everything is booked up. Was wondering what you all might have in the pipeline for later this year that you can all look forward to?

    Love you all,

    Rainie x