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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • NO you are not, not nice when you cannot sleep,xxx

  • Wow Ellie that's a long time to wait, 2 months now. Does it usually take this time for your results? Heaven forbid if your oncologist has overlooked them! 

    Take care Ellie

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Yes it is, i see her on the 7th, was told the fractures one may be cancer caused, two more scans, pass you over for radiotherapy, then waited phoned up, right MDT meeting now they are not sure, that is why i had the two scans, and that had been it, Christmas and new year, did not help my MDT meetings are on a Monday.

    Wednesday, i better find out, or all hell will break lose,


  • Hi Ellie, yes it wasn’t the best unfortunately.  Hope you had a better night than me. 

    M x

  • Morning everyone, hope you all have a nice Friday.  Not the best weather here but  I think I will get out for a wee walk anyway. 

    Have a great day all. 

    M x 

  • Sorry you hd a bad night, hope you got out for your wee walk.

    I have been shopping, 4 hours, completely shattered, never mind its Saturday tomorrow going no where and no company,

    Been a real nice day here, sun out and dry, but getting cloudy now and dark.

    Later xxx

  • Thank you Ellie, I did get out for a wee while, it wasn’t the worst day we have had.  Have a nice relaxing Saturday.  The decorating of the new place starts this weekend, should be fun…! Lol 

    Good morning to everyone, hope you all have a great Saturday. 

    M x

  • Morning Morton

    Glad you got out, not looking to good here at moment,

    I had a leaf out your book, twisted and turned all night awake since 4am. think did to much walking yesterday aggravation, hey ho go forward.

    Not sure about a great Saturday, me and my shadow today, still bits to put away, now company gone.

    Decorating good for you, i did a room 18months agao but no i could not now, enjoy xxx

  • Well trying to understand an electric bill, is a mind field.

    If any one can, then they are very very clever, and should be prime minster i would say, if you can sort that bill out then you can sort anything,

    That's my thoughts for the day xx

  • Morning everyone, or is it afternoon now? Wet and horrid here, been out with the little dog getting very muddy, another bath for her when we got back. Then we went to the farm shop to stock up on fruit and veg. 

       I am a bit confused as to when your results are? You mentioned the 7th and that’s today ? X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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