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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Yes i have results next Wednesday, along with a few more people.

    Talk about back to the grind stone, i was very happy with the Christmas and New Year, forgot about all of it, though i do think the wine helped, no i know it did x

  • Think he may be talking sausages,  Cumberland which are sold in shops. xx lol

  • I've just apparently caught the report button on one of your posts Ellie and I swear my finger was nowhere near it!! I think I'm going to have to stop scrolling. So if you get a notification you have been reported it was me and I don't even know what the post said I had just turned over the page!!!

  •   , that happened to me the other day and my finger didn't touch the words either, I was surprised to see that I had reported the post. Then until a moderator puts the post back up, everyone who tries to read a post from the thread will see a message saying that the content is under review.

    I immediately send an email to the moderators to apologise. I don't do it every day but it happens maybe once a week.or sometimes twice a day and none for a fortnight. Unfortunately I have involuntary jerks of my fingers, could be an inch or two away from the words and bang! Flagged again! I can't help it and I am annoyed with myself when it happens.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Well you can tell Christmas is over, every one has gone into hibernation.

    Though they will all appear come the spring, which is just round the corner, what a nice thought, i have to say,

  • Hope the results go well Ellie. It’s the 20th for me, been a long wait. 

    M x

  • Hope you all get a good sleep tonight or indeed have a nice day if it is day time. 

    M x 

  • Well thought mine would have been sooner, seen oncologist 7th November and still no answer, th waiting is the hardest, hope the same for you.

  • i am  up at 7 tomorrow only night i set alarm lol