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No 3 Lovely Morning Thread.

  • 1224 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Well he we go again, if the thread was not so poplar, would not have to do it.

All are welcome Ellie  

  • Morning everyone, hope you are all well.  I had a bit of an offline day yesterday.  Lovely sunny day here which probably means it’s bitterly cold outside. No appointments today and yesterdays went ok.  Next week is scan week lol! I know many of you will have appointments coming up or planned so I hope they all go well. :) 

    Have a great day 

    M x 

  • Morning, like that offline day, well the sit was down from lunch time, till 8pm, so you did not miss any thing.

    Its nice when you have no appointments, your scan has come round quick, i have my 3 monthly one, was booked yesterday for the 19th, is your 3 monthly.

    Still waiting for an MRI which has to be done before Christmas, it is a busy time of year, with out these appointments for sure,

    Have what i call a me day, do anything you may wish or nothing. x

  • Hi Ellie, these scans were arrranged urgently as my drugs have stopped working and they want to see where the spread is.  CT and bone, one on Monday and one on Tuesdays next week.  I will be glowing with radiation lol!  There is too much to be done with all these scans too! A wee me day is a fine idea, I hope you enjoy it, you deserve it 

    M x

  • Hi Ellie, I love all those treats, even chocolate cake, but much as I love drinking coffee I can’t stand coffee cake or sweets! We are oddities aren’t we, with our likes and dislikes?

    love and hugs 

    Maggie xx 

  • Oh Morton i did not realise that,

    I did ask my oncologist about all these scans, i have been having them for nearly seven years now, and she said if you was a youngest we would not give so many because of the tradition thanks so do chemo, do radiotherapy and immunotherapy  but hey the scans can cause problems,  its lie a lucky dip, or take your pick, sorry for being funny as such..

    Well you know we are all here, not sure i ever leave,

    When all the appointments get me down , think well its a day out, what else did you have to do,

    I went out with daughter last week, i did not want anything, she took me for blood tests, i was so happy, i used my blue badge for the first time, was lie a kid at Christmas, made my day, i am easily pleased,

    Right i will be keeping my eye on you enjoy your me day, i do when i have one,


  • Sounds awful Annette I wish I could help you with your pain


    Love life and family.
  • LOL Glad i am not alone, the kids say mum you love chocolate, but will not eat the cake,, see i like coffee cake, nothing so queer as folk, xx

  • Annette it was not a programme as such lie a horror,

    It was a true documentary, where a young woman donated her body,  for medical science , it was being done at the same universtaty as my granddaughter is now at for neuroscience , they   did like a post mortem as such on tv first time we have got to see on the tv, very sad, but very en lighting, brave young woman 30 with two children, she had made her own film to go with it, though  she has passed hence the film.

    I am glad i watched it, though i shed a tear at the end, when all the students clapped, they showed her so much respect

    Her parents must be so proud of her, will help people for the next so many years, so she lives on x

  • Thanks Ellie, I am ok, no point getting own about these things.  Like you I have used my blue badge a few times lol.  I am itching to use my free bus pass.  I may do that tomorrow.  Thanks for keeping an eye on me.  You are right, a wee day out is fun.  I usually have cake. 

    M x

  • Sorry about your pain Annette.  I hope you feel a wee bit better today.  Sounds like you. Need something a bit stronger to help you.  Hope you got some sleep in the end 

    M x